

Why Keyword Themes + Modified Broad Match = Winning PPC Strategy

Cutting out noise and creating a PPC strategy that drives business: it’s the goal of SEM professionals everywhere. So let’s talk about how to do that for real.

By combining ad group theming and modified broad keywords, you can create targeting that rewards you with qualified traffic right away. It’s a structure that rewards you again and again by delivering even stronger target keyword sets.

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m(Dot) vs. Responsive vs. Adaptive

Every once in a while a big debate comes along in the conversion optimization industry. There was the carousel debate, the hamburger menu debate, the above the fold debate, etc.

Optimizers have been debating another question: Which mobile design is best for optimizers?

Is it m(Dot) design, responsive design, or adaptive design? All three options have their unique pros and cons as far as UX and SEO go, but which is most suitable for someone running experiments and tests on the regular?

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Google Analytics 102: How To Set Up Goals, Segments, and Events

Some of you out there may find this Google Analytics feature overview to be mostly a review. That’s awesome! That means you’re really taking ownership of your data. However, if you’ve never used any of these features, only experimented with them a little, or aren’t sure you’re using them correctly, you should read on.

From the time you set up your account and put your tracking code on your site, Google Analytics starts to capture and display a lot of data.

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AB testing statistics

Testing tools are getting more sophisticated. Blogs are brimming with “inspiring” case studies. Experimentation is becoming more and more common for marketers. Statistical know-how, however, lags behind.

This post is filled with clear explanations of A/B testing statistics from top CRO experts. A/B testing statistics aren’t that complicated—but they are that essential to running tests correctly.

Here’s what we’ll cover (feel free to jump ahead):

  1. Mean, variance, and sampling;
  2. Statistical significance;
  3. P-values;
  4. Statistical power;
  5. Confidence intervals and margin of errors;
  6. Regression to the mean;
  7. Segmenting;
  8. Confounding variables and external factors.

And just in case you’re uncertain about why A/B testing statistics are so essential…

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