
Digital Analytics

What is happening, where and how much? Practitioner-written articles on digital analytics and tag managers.

A SaaS startup's guide to demand modelling.

So you’re ready to go to market, you have big goals, and you’re pumped. 

But wait. 

How are you going to hit those goals? 

Do you have the right goals in place? 

And are your goals achievable? 

So, how can you answer these questions? 

Enter demand modeling. 

In this post, I’ll break it down for you, including:

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The Marketing Matrix Guide: Understand & Engage Your Customers

The difference between great ideas and great marketing is in the planning. A great idea has the potential to drive traffic and sales, but if you don’t communicate it in the right way to the right people, it will never take off. 

In this article, you’ll learn how to plan and validate content using a marketing matrix so your next great idea strikes a chord with your target audience. 

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Digital marketing metrics and kpis

Marketing metrics are a competitive advantage. They allow you to create and optimize campaigns based on actionable evidence rather than intuition. 

But to turn data into insights and money, it’s not enough to simply collect information. You have to track metrics you can act on. 

In this article, you’ll learn which metrics to measure if you want to understand and improve marketing performance.

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Digital Analytics

Intuition is no substitute for data. As Dr. Eric Bonabeau says, “The more data you have to weigh, and the more unprecedented the challenges you face, the less you should rely on instinct and the more on reason and analysis.”

With digital analytics, you have access to all the data you need to make smart decisions without solely relying on feelings.  

In this guide, you’ll learn how digital analytics can benefit your business and how to use it to communicate with stakeholders. You’ll also discover digital analytics tools and the most complete digital analytics training to help you better understand your customers.

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Data visualization examples

According to Dell, data is the new crude oil of modern society. It’s mined, it’s processed, and it’s valuable—when you know what to do with it.

Data visualization turns raw data into accessible charts, graphs, and maps to help you share it, learn from it, and make data-driven decisions. But game-changing campaigns are only possible if visuals present information in the right way. Get it wrong, and the message is lost.

In this article, you’ll see eight of the best data visualization examples to inspire your internal and external marketing efforts. 

You’ll learn when to use them, what to avoid so you don’t overwhelm or confuse your audience, and five tips for creating these visualizations yourself. 

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Data storytelling

Investing in data lets you make strategic business decisions based on insights rather than instinct or opinion. It reduces risk and drives smarter investments.

But data has no value without understanding. While the data might make sense to you, it might appear as meaningless numbers on a page to people outside of your role. 

The benefits of data lie in the way you communicate it. 

In this article, you’ll learn why data storytelling is an important skill and how to use data presentation and visualization to influence your audience.

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