Welcome to the Ivy League of conversion rate optimization.
Let the top conversion optimization minds teach you how to double your conversion rate.
This expert guide will help you…
- Increase conversions with persuasive copy and UX / design.
- Grow your email list and send more strategic emails.
- Setup Google Analytics to measure the right stuff and gather insights.
- Conduct qualitative and quantitative research to run smarter A/B tests.
- Create a systematic, repeatable conversion rate optimization process.
Today’s top CRO experts have come together to teach you how to double your conversion rate.
You’ll get field-tested, actionable advice from real practitioners.
You’ll be able to take these insights and apply them directly to your business.

Stop worrying about what is ‘a good conversion rate’.
Work to improve whatever you have.— Peep Laja

Table of Contents
This guide on conversion rate optimization is for people new to it. It’s also important to note right off the bat: we’re not really optimizing for conversion RATE, but business growth.
If higher conversion rate would be our sole objective, we could lower all our prices to $0.01 – conversion rate would go instantly up, but we would go out of business. It’s important to realize that in the end it’s just a helpful metric. Our main goal is to grow the business, acquire customers faster and cheaper.
Start Reading or Download guide as PDF
Introduction to Conversion Optimization by Brian Massey
Copywriting, A/B testing, analytics, psychology... we'll cover it all. But first, Brian Massey, the Conversion Scientist, reminds you of the basics. -
How to Write Copy That Sells Like a Mofo by Joanna Wiebe
Joanna Wiebe of Copy Hackers and Airstory on how to write copy that converts like crazy. -
Introduction to Designing for Conversions by David Kadavy
David Kadavy, author of Design for Hackers, on designing for conversions. He debunks today's biggest design myths and tells you what actually matters. -
How to Use Psychology in Conversion Optimization by Bart Schutz
Bart Schutz of Online Dialogue and The Wheel of Persuasion on using psychology to increase conversions. -
Emotional Targeting 101 by Talia Wolf
Talia Wolf of Conversioner talking emotional persuasion. Building on what we learned from Bart, she explains how to appeal to your visitors' emotions. -
How to Build a List and Send Emails That Convert by Justine Jordan
Justine Jordan from Litmus walks you through collecting emails, improving your open rate, designing for all browsers / devices / email clients, A/B testing emails and more. -
How to Setup Analytics and Measure the Right Stuff by Chris Mercer
Chris Mercer from SeriouslySimpleMarketing.com on how to setup your analytics in a meaningful way that ensures you're gathering useful data. -
How to Use Analytics to Find Insights by Yehoshua Coren
Yehoshua Coren, the Analytics Ninja, walks you through extracting insights from your analytics using segmentation. -
How to Gather Qualitative Data for Insights by Jen Havice
Jen Havice of Make Mention on how to use qualitative research to answer one of the most important questions in conversion optimization: Why? -
What to Test (Conversion Research) by Michael Aagaard
Michael Aagaard, senior conversion optimizer at Unbounce, on how to strategically decide what to test using conversion research. -
How to Run A/B Tests by Peep Laja
Peep Laja teaches you everything you need to know to run valuable, statistically valid tests that will actually lead to applicable insights. -
How to Create a CRO Process by Peep Laja
Peep on how to combine everything you've learned into a systematic, repeatable CRO process.