
CRO & Testing

The world’s best archive of content on conversion optimization and online experimentation (A/B, MVT, bandit, AI etc).

When it comes to conversion rate optimization (CRO), the difference between success and failure often comes down to one thing above all else: strategy. 

Teams that have a clear, focused CRO strategy are able to build momentum and deliver strong return on investment (ROI) over large timespans. 

Teams that don’t – who focus on quick, tactical wins and low-hanging fruit – will find that their results begin to dry up pretty quickly.

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Nostalgia—that powerful emotional trigger that makes us yearn for the past—powered McDonald’s brilliant 2022 campaign and became a masterclass in emotional targeting.

They tapped into our childhood memories with a simple yet effective strategy: creating Adult Happy Meals. Adults were instantly transported back to a time before bills, mortgages, and taxes—the carefree days of youth.

The results? Massive.

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Capturing user attention and driving conversions on landing pages has become more challenging than ever. With only seconds to convince a visitor that your page is relevant, the layout, messaging, and design must work harmoniously. This is where AI steps in, bringing a new era of efficiency and precision to conversion rate optimization (CRO).

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With the rapid expansion of digital marketing channels, marketers have to adapt by broadening their skill sets. While having a single area of expertise was once the norm, in the modern market, the norm simply won’t cut it. As growth expectations increase and budgets shrink, brands lean toward T-shaped marketers. Why? Having a team of 30 specialist marketers on board isn’t just impractical, it’s not strategic either. 

Having a handful of marketers with deep expertise in two or three key areas could significantly increase your return on investment (ROI). Not only does it reduce costs, but having this level of versatility at the core of your marketing team is invaluable. Here why.

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I’ve helped 79 startups build million-dollar marketing engines in the last four years. I’ve been a startup marketer for 20 years, and I’ve helped grow nearly 100 companies from $0 to millions of revenue. Not because I’m such a genius marketer, but because there’s a system that can take any new product, feature, or startup from $0 to $1MM+ in revenue dependably.

And I’ll share it with you in this blog.

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Paul Boag, an expert in user experience (UX) design and conversion rate optimization (CRO), shares how AI has revolutionized his work. He explains that AI has “made my job a lot easier,” offering tools that simplify user research and provide new ways to gather and analyze data. In this blog, we’ll explore how AI is transforming user research, the advantages it offers, and why user research is crucial for UX and CRO. We’ll also break down the step-by-step processes Paul uses to integrate AI into his workflow.

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Human beings are irrational. We are complex creatures influenced by context and emotions, we make good and bad decisions, and we often fail to achieve our goals. This post is designed to show you how understanding irrationality can help you grow your business and how you can promote this way of thinking across your organization. 

Harnessing the complexity of human behavior can guide your experimentation efforts more effectively. You will be able to learn constantly and create solutions that benefit both the client and your business. 

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Building an audience has always been an important part of growing a business, but in recent years, how to keep that audience engaged with regular emailed content has been a question of growing significance. 

Before you can start curating content for that private channel, you need customers to sign up and agree to deepen the relationship you have with them, which is when sign-up form optimization comes in.

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So, you want to improve your website performance.

But where do you start?

Everyone in the business has their ideas.

Your competitors are adding fun-looking new features to their websites.

And you’re staring at your screen thinking, “Where do I even start?”

Enter The U.A.M Method (Usability, Anxiety, and Motivation).

This post breaks it down into:

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