
Digital Analytics

Data storytelling

Investing in data lets you make strategic business decisions based on insights rather than instinct or opinion. It reduces risk and drives smarter investments.

But data has no value without understanding. While the data might make sense to you, it might appear as meaningless numbers on a page to people outside of your role. 

The benefits of data lie in the way you communicate it. 

In this article, you’ll learn why data storytelling is an important skill and how to use data presentation and visualization to influence your audience.

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Data analytics questions

In digital analytics, it’s all about asking the right questions.

Sure, in the right context, you can probably get by doing what Avinash Kaushik refers to as “data puking,” but you won’t excel as an analyst or marketer.

In addition, you’ll consistently come up short on bringing true business value to your company.

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Google analytics funnel

Analyzing the customer journey is pivotal to conversion optimization. But how do you track user journeys in a way that is digestible, visual, and useful?

With funnels, of course! Funnel tracking in Google Analytics is one of the best ways to identify—in detail—where you’re going wrong.

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When WordStream began receiving complaints that the seven-day free trial of their PPC management software wasn’t long enough, the brand decided to A/B test 14-day and 30-day trials.

The results? Prospect trial to conversion rates fell with the longer trials.

WordStream confirmed that seven days was plenty of trial time, and they didn’t need to waste resources chasing customers down a longer funnel. 

No changes were made to the customer journey, and it had nothing to do with revenue lift. Yet, this was a successful growth marketing campaign. 

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Propensity modeling

Propensity modeling lets us look at what people are likely to do—in the future.

My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there.

C.F. Kettering

When we look at data and analytics, we’re focused on the past. How did we do last quarter? What happened H1 2019? And how does that compare to H1 2018? How well did landing pages X, Y, and Z convert last Monday at 1:03 p.m.? (I’m kidding, I’m kidding.)

Data becomes more valuable when we use it to predict the future instead of just analyzing the past. That’s where propensity modeling comes in.

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With more than 2 billion monthly active users and more than a billion hours of content consumed every day, the right Youtube strategy can increase brand awareness, engagement, and conversions. 

But, cutting through the noise can be a challenge. 

Strategically leveraging YouTube’s robust analytics can help you make data-backed decisions and improve performance.

In this post, we’ll tell you how to use YouTube analytics to grow your brand and generate more video content views.

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App automation can remove bottlenecks, save time and money, help you provide a better customer experience, and improve internal collaboration. But it should never replace the human touch. 

In this article, we’ll show you how to leverage app automation to produce desired results and reclaim productivity. We’ll also explore examples to apply across the customer journey and tools you can experiment with and invest in today.

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