
Digital Analytics

3 Smart, Sustainable Ways to Monitor Your Organic Search Rankings

“Why don’t we rank first for [keyword]”? Every SEO analyst gets this question. And every business investing in SEO uses keyword rankings to judge performance.

Despite the flood of “organic rankings are dead” articles in recent years, I have yet to see a single business or agency that has given up on tracking keywords.

So are all those articles wrong? Or is everyone paying attention to the wrong metric? What makes sense when it comes to rank tracking in 2021 and beyond?

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Combining All Your Funnel Data into One Sheet

Like many young SaaS startups, we had no shortage of marketing and sales data, but it wasn’t easy to comprehend. The information was there, but it was scattered all over the place. 

Some bits and pieces could be found in Google Analytics, while other data was stored in BigQuery and ProfitWell. This arrangement made it challenging to give a quick answer to basic questions on user conversions or to comment on traffic rates and MRR. It wasn’t until we began creating custom dashboards to visualize our data that everything started to click. 

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Model Building from the Ground Up

After receiving a $500k budget increase, someone in the C-suite must decide where to allocate these funds: remarketing budget, R&D, events, website redesign, etc.

What should they do? Do they need more information to decide? Even with new information, will that clarify the percentage allocation of funds?

As consumer needs and technology become increasingly complex, so too do the decisions. Modeling is critical for complex decision-making. Relying on intuition alone can set you up for failure.

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Web Analytics Analysis

For a web analytics analyst or a data-driven marketer, these are words to live by: “Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion.”

Optimization isn’t about educated guesses and hunches, no matter how many years you’ve been in the industry. It’s about doing the research, asking the right questions, digging for clues in problem areas, paying attention to the signs when they appear, and running smart A/B tests.

Web analytics analysis is a big part of that. It helps separate the optimizers from just another person with an opinion.

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Tag Management: How to Monitor & Improve Site Performance

There are hundreds of services for site tracking, advertising, customization, and, in general, souping up your ability to measure, reach, and convert your visitors.

Most services rely on JavaScript to track the activity of visitors on your website and report on—or respond to—their behavior.

When people talk about “tags,” they’re talking about snippets of JavaScript provided by third-party services like Google Analytics, AdRoll, Adobe Analytics, etc.

Each tool can improve your ability to reach and serve customers, but it also means adding a new piece of JavaScript (i.e. a tag) to your site.

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Kaggle: A Marketer's Guide for Analytics and Data Science

Kaggle, the Google-acquired data science platform, started as a virtual meeting point for machine-learning geeks to compete on predictive accuracy scores.

It evolved into a Swiss Army knife for data science and analytics—one that can help data professionals, including data-driven marketers, elevate their analytics game.

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