
Marketing Tactics

When it comes to conversion rate optimization (CRO), the difference between success and failure often comes down to one thing above all else: strategy. 

Teams that have a clear, focused CRO strategy are able to build momentum and deliver strong return on investment (ROI) over large timespans. 

Teams that don’t – who focus on quick, tactical wins and low-hanging fruit – will find that their results begin to dry up pretty quickly.

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LinkedIn is flooded with posts claiming ‘SEO is dead.’ But let’s face it—that couldn’t be further from the truth.

While many are chasing shiny new trends, some are quietly crushing it by just focusing on the fundamentals. Take Submagic, a bootstrapped AI startup that went from 0 to 150K daily visitors in just 10 months—using nothing but smart search engine optimization (SEO) and free tools.

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Nostalgia—that powerful emotional trigger that makes us yearn for the past—powered McDonald’s brilliant 2022 campaign and became a masterclass in emotional targeting.

They tapped into our childhood memories with a simple yet effective strategy: creating Adult Happy Meals. Adults were instantly transported back to a time before bills, mortgages, and taxes—the carefree days of youth.

The results? Massive.

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In B2B SaaS, it can be easy to fall back on the adage that scaling demands ever-increasing marketing budgets and complex ad funnel strategies. But what if the opposite were true? What if a B2B could actually thrive by slashing its marketing spend and going all in on creative? Can one really move away from the classic SaaS marketing playbook of awkward webinars and endless Facebook ads and not just grow – but thrive? 

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Capturing user attention and driving conversions on landing pages has become more challenging than ever. With only seconds to convince a visitor that your page is relevant, the layout, messaging, and design must work harmoniously. This is where AI steps in, bringing a new era of efficiency and precision to conversion rate optimization (CRO).

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Back in 2022, our agency struggled to grow.

We were a small team of 7 marketers with big ambitions. But we didn’t land enough new clients to realize our growth goals. In 2022 we only grew by 20% (while we aimed to double in revenue).

However, everything changed when we decided to become famous in our niche. In 2023 and 2024 we managed to double our revenue in both years. And we expect a similar growth rate for 2025.

In this blog, I will take you through our rather simple marketing strategy, and how it propelled our growth, setting us on the course to become one of the leading B2B growth agencies in Europe.

While this case is about the growth of a service company, the same marketing principles apply when growing a SaaS or other B2B proposition.

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So, you’re thinking about launching a podcast. Maybe you’re leading a marketing team at a growth-stage SMB, or you’re just looking for a way to punch above your weight.

The good news is that podcasts are an incredible way to expand your brand’s voice, build authority, and reach new audiences. The bad news? It’s not as easy as hitting record and waiting for the listeners and downloads to roll in.

In this blog I will provide you with a guide that is based on real strategies that have helped SMBs navigate challenges, stretch tight budgets, and hit targets they never thought possible. 

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With the rapid expansion of digital marketing channels, marketers have to adapt by broadening their skill sets. While having a single area of expertise was once the norm, in the modern market, the norm simply won’t cut it. As growth expectations increase and budgets shrink, brands lean toward T-shaped marketers. Why? Having a team of 30 specialist marketers on board isn’t just impractical, it’s not strategic either. 

Having a handful of marketers with deep expertise in two or three key areas could significantly increase your return on investment (ROI). Not only does it reduce costs, but having this level of versatility at the core of your marketing team is invaluable. Here why.

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