

What You Need to Know About Mobile Users and Their Shopping Behavior

80% of people never leave home without their phones in hand.

We do everything with it, including shopping, research, social media and more.

Whatever your business is, an ever growing chunk of your target customers are using their mobile devices instead of computers to go online.

Here’s what you need to know about mobile internet users and their purchasing behavior.

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How To Use On-Site Surveys to Increase Conversions

There are few things in marketing we know for certain.

Show a landing page to a panel of experts and ask what’s wrong—and everyone having an answer is one of them.

While there is often no shortage of opinions on how to improve a landing page, the question remains how valuable is most of the feedback?

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Grabbing Attention

We live in a world of short attention spans. Attention span is the amount of time that a person can concentrate on a task without becoming distracted.

That task could be learning about your product, figuring out if your service is right for them, etc. In other words, it’s kind of important. You need to learn how to grab attention—and hold it—for your website visitors.

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7 Effective Customer Segments to Target in Facebook Ads

When deployed effectively, Facebook ads are among the most effective targeted marketing efforts in history.

However, despite the massive potential, many businesses and marketers continue to leave money on the table with their Facebook ads.

So what’s the key to getting the most out of the incredibly valuable advertising platform?

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Image of two women talking

Live chat continues to grow in popularity as a customer support channel for for both brands and consumers.

One study showed that 51% of consumers are more likely to stay with or buy again from a company if they offer live chat support. In another, 20% of the shopping population prefers using live chat to contact a retailer over any other communication method.

Does live chat make sense for you? Let’s take a look at some live chat best practices.

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