

On-SERP SEO: How To Optimize Zero-Click Results

The SEO game is changing. Long gone are the days when all it took to rank on Page 1 was a good keyword choice and a few backlinks.

Google’s search results are becoming so much more than 10 blue links, in part because those links are now richer and more interactive—and sending fewer clicks to sites.

A new concept is replacing the traditional SEO approach. Instead of monitoring and improving organic rankings alone, you need to embrace a more integrated strategy: on-SERP SEO.

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Machine Learning for Paid Ads: Best Practices in a New Era

Digital advertising relies on serving the right ad to the right audience in real time. The better we get at that, the better we do—that’s the industry mantra, and for a reason.

We’ve witnessed vast improvements in the volume and accuracy of customer data, and worked in increasingly sophisticated ad platforms. 

Machine learning and AI improve the ability to recognize patterns and pull the right responses from a database. Anyone who doesn’t learn to use the AI features of ad platforms now will be left behind. Many already have been. 

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Data Discrepancies in Google Analytics: What Can Go Wrong, Why, & How to Fix It

Google Analytics shows 104 conversions. Your CRM shows 123 new leads. Heap reports 97. And so on.

It’s easy to get frustrated by data discrepancies. Which source do you trust? How much variance is okay? (Dan McGaw, founder and CEO of McGaw.io, suggests 5%.)

For most companies, Google Analytics is a—often the—primary source of analytics data. Getting its numbers aligned with other tools in your martech stack keeps results credible and blood pressure manageable. 

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How to Use Google Data Studio to Build Better Dashboards

Set up the measurement tool. Clean and process the data. Turn it into information. Analyze it. Extract insights.

That’s hard work. But to have value, there’s still another step—the work must also be well communicated. You want data to form a straight line from KPIs to influencing business decisions.

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Facebook A/B Testing

Having a well-thought-out plan for A/B testing Facebook ad campaigns is essential if you want to improve your performance reliably and consistently.

And the more you test, the better. A study of 37,259 Facebook ads found that “most companies only have one ad, but the best had hundreds.”

A/B testing Facebook ad campaigns can get complicated quickly (and easily produce invalid results). Spending the time upfront to perfect your testing process and structure will go a long way.

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