

Password UX

Have you ever forgotten a password for a site? What about a security question?

Have you ever spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to think of a password you can remember, but also complies with a list of arbitrary requirements (e.g., seven uppercase letters, four special characters, etc.)?

When these UX problems pop up, they cause friction.

Friction that prevents new SaaS customers from signing up, friction that prevents loyal eCommerce customers from creating an account for next time, friction that prevents current customers from accessing their accounts.

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Internal Site Search Optimization: Best Practices for Your Site

According to Econsultancy, up to 30% of ecommerce visitors use internal site search. Due to the increased level of purchase intent from searchers, they’re known to convert up to 5–6x higher than the average non–site search visitor.

Site searchers account for up to 14% of all revenue, and case studies have shown increased conversion rates of 43% from site search optimization.

Yet how many sites pay attention to site search? Too often, it gets ignored. This post walks you through opportunities to improve your internal site search.

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AB testing statistics

Testing tools are getting more sophisticated. Blogs are brimming with “inspiring” case studies. Experimentation is becoming more and more common for marketers. Statistical know-how, however, lags behind.

This post is filled with clear explanations of A/B testing statistics from top CRO experts. A/B testing statistics aren’t that complicated—but they are that essential to running tests correctly.

Here’s what we’ll cover (feel free to jump ahead):

  1. Mean, variance, and sampling;
  2. Statistical significance;
  3. P-values;
  4. Statistical power;
  5. Confidence intervals and margin of errors;
  6. Regression to the mean;
  7. Segmenting;
  8. Confounding variables and external factors.

And just in case you’re uncertain about why A/B testing statistics are so essential…

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Checkout Flow

Your ecommerce checkout flow is where the money is at. Think about it. Random visitors leave the site before ever entering the checkout funnel. Motivated buyers come here to finish their order.

Any small design improvement in your checkout UX usually has a direct impact on how much money your site makes.

An ecommerce site that I analyzed recently had a payment page in which 84.7% of the traffic proceeded to buy. I calculated that if we could increase that to 90%, it would result in 461 more orders and an additional $87,175 per month—23.9% revenue growth. “Small” gains can be huge.

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