
All Things Data-Driven Marketing

Raw Data & Google Analytics: A Game Changer

For a long time, I considered standard Google Analytics reports to be the best way to get useful insights. From time to time, I struggled with sampling, limitations, and weird results, but I didn’t see a way around it—until I discovered Google Analytics 360 and raw data exports into Google BigQuery.

After a few hours playing around with SQL, I was already able to deliver insights I never could have with aggregated Google Analytics reports. Since that day, I’ve been exploring how raw data can be a web analyst’s best friend.

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Tempted to Peek? Why Sequential Testing May Help

Raise your hand if you’ve ever struggled with a decision between disciplined testing procedures and expedient decision-making.

For example, think of a time when you’ve had to decide between sticking to your A/B test design—namely, the prescribed sample size—and making a decision using what appears to be obvious, or at least very telling, test data. If your arm is waving vigorously in the air right now, this post is for you. Also, put it down and stop being weird.

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Website templates

Why spend hours and thousands of dollars redesigning your website from scratch when someone has already done the work for you?

Millions of businesses turn to website templates to make the design process more efficient. But there’s something almost no one is talking about and it’s a big problem.

Website templates are not optimized for conversions.

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Multiple AB Tests

As a marketer and optimizer it’s only natural to want to speed up your testing efforts. So now the question is—can you run more than one A/B test at the same time on your site?

Let’s look into the “why you shouldn’t” and “why you should” run multiple tests at once.

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Grabbing Attention

We live in a world of short attention spans. Attention span is the amount of time that a person can concentrate on a task without becoming distracted.

That task could be learning about your product, figuring out if your service is right for them, etc. In other words, it’s kind of important. You need to learn how to grab attention—and hold it—for your website visitors.

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7 Effective Customer Segments to Target in Facebook Ads

When deployed effectively, Facebook ads are among the most effective targeted marketing efforts in history.

However, despite the massive potential, many businesses and marketers continue to leave money on the table with their Facebook ads.

So what’s the key to getting the most out of the incredibly valuable advertising platform?

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