
All Things Data-Driven Marketing

Nailing Product Positioning: A Guide to the Positioning Process (w/ Examples)

You’ve spent hundreds of hours perfecting your product and countless meetings defining your brand. You feel great about your team, and it’s obvious to your customers that you care. 

Yet, despite your best efforts, your competition gets all the buzz, and you struggle to stand out. Should you change your prices? Add a new feature? Raise more capital? 

Before you go back to the drawing board, reconsider your product positioning. 

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Content Research: 4 Ways to Find a Ton of Wins

If I told you that a post earned 30 links and 100 shares, how would you respond?

“Wow, must’ve been amazing!”
“Not bad.”
“Total flop!”

Your gut reaction says more about the site you’re used to working on than it does about my hypothetical example.

Indeed, the size and power of a site—not necessarily the value of the content—can have the greatest influence on results. That matters, especially when it comes to content research.

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8 B2B Link-Building Strategies That Never Go Out of Style

There are only a few things I love as much as link building

Owning a new pair of high-end shoes has to be one of those. Damn, I’ll admit—I even have a tradition of treating myself with a beautiful new pair after a successful business trip or client acquisition. 

As a result, my closet is full of shoes that I’ve bought and worn only once. Above, you can see one of my fav pairs of those red-soled shoes (you got the brand, right?) that I took for a walk only once—but they’re so beautiful!

High-fashion, much like link building, is driven by trends. What was fashionable yesterday is old news today.

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How To Use On-Site Surveys to Increase Conversions

There are few things in marketing we know for certain.

Show a landing page to a panel of experts and ask what’s wrong—and everyone having an answer is one of them.

While there is often no shortage of opinions on how to improve a landing page, the question remains how valuable is most of the feedback?

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On-SERP SEO: How To Optimize Zero-Click Results

The SEO game is changing. Long gone are the days when all it took to rank on Page 1 was a good keyword choice and a few backlinks.

Google’s search results are becoming so much more than 10 blue links, in part because those links are now richer and more interactive—and sending fewer clicks to sites.

A new concept is replacing the traditional SEO approach. Instead of monitoring and improving organic rankings alone, you need to embrace a more integrated strategy: on-SERP SEO.

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