
All Things Data-Driven Marketing

What You Need to Know About Mobile Users and Their Shopping Behavior

80% of people never leave home without their phones in hand.

We do everything with it, including shopping, research, social media and more.

Whatever your business is, an ever growing chunk of your target customers are using their mobile devices instead of computers to go online.

Here’s what you need to know about mobile internet users and their purchasing behavior.

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Is Click Fraud Devouring Your Ad Budget?

Click fraud first came to light in 2005, when some pay-per-click ads started to receive clicks by users with a malicious intent. Back then, several major cases were taken to court.

However, it continues to poison marketing campaigns—and find its way into more and more courtrooms. Juniper Research estimates that click fraud cost advertisers $42 billion in 2019.  

In a time when advertising budgets are being cut and many businesses are facing economic uncertainty, putting every ad dollar to good use goes a long way.

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Advertorials Can Work—If You Get It Right

Advertorials are long-form paid ads, presented as informative articles—hence the name, a blend of “advertisement” and “editorial.”

In past print and current online versions, they match the appearance, perception, and function of the media outlet where they’re hosted, so they don’t really look like ads.

Executed well, advertorials provide value to the target audience while also selling a product or service. They’re a content marketing play that borrows the credibility of the site on which they’re published (if they’re “native ads”) or promoted (if they live on other sites).

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Enterprise SEO: Don’t Outsmart—Out Execute

Enterprise SEO has been my topic of choice for extracurricular “thought leadership” over the years. Last year, I gave a presentation on how we generated 40% year-over-year organic revenue growth by focusing on out executing the competition, not outsmarting them.

While my presentation focused on the in-house side of enterprise SEO, I’ve also experienced (and written about) getting things done—or trying to get things done—at an agency. SEO strategies for Fortune 500 brands often take 12+ months to see the light of day or, worse, never do.

Eventually, I got tired of that lack of action, which led me in-house. In two-and-a-half years leading SEO initiatives at Qualtrics, I’ve learned that most companies don’t have a strategy problem—they have an execution problem.

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When marketers think of using data to come up with test hypotheses, they often turn to their digital analytics

Yet often times, qualitative research can offer more insight than anything else working to come up with winning test hypotheses.

Where quantitative stuff tells you what, where, and how much, qualitative tells you ‘why.’ The goal of qualitative research is to gather an in-depth understanding of user behavior and why they took those specific actions.

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