
All Things Data-Driven Marketing

Guest Posting: How to Get it Right (When So Many Get It Wrong)

“Guest posting,” done right, isn’t a dirty word. I’ve used guest posting to build my brand and set up my own link-building agency.

But as the saying goes, there’s no such thing as an overnight success. Throughout my career, I’ve received hundreds of rejections on the journey to landing a few big wins. 

While rejection comes with the territory, you can do a few things to improve your chances of success.  In this article, I share some best practices for guest blog prospecting, putting together a winning pitch, and creating content that editors love to publish.  

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Are Grammar Mistakes Costing You Money?

Most articles will tell you that poor grammar can kill sales. While not as important in blog posts as in sales copy, grammatical errors can dissolve credibility, possibly resulting in fewer sales.

But what does the actual data say?

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How to Setup Google Analytics and Segment Your Data

When you hear “data segmentation”, it’s tempting to feel overwhelmed. Why? Segmentation can seem daunting (or boring) to those unfamiliar with it.

It’s an unfortunate because segmentation is perhaps one of the most effective tools at our disposal. The ability to slice and dice your Google Analytics data is the difference between mediocre, surface-level insights and meaningful, useful analysis.

In this article we’ll show you how to setup your Google Analytics to unlock actionable insights.

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Customer Offboarding: How to Improve Retention with an Offboarding Flow

Customer onboarding flows get all the love. Figuring out how to get more users to important milestones, find value, and integrate into their workflow is exciting stuff (for SaaS nerds like us).

But you know what doesn’t get any love? Customer offboarding: all the steps involved in a customer canceling their account and successfully disengaging from the product.

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What do Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and Costco’s Jim Sinegal from Costco have in common? They both have a history of focusing on the lifetime value of a customer rather than chasing short-term profits. And their success speaks for itself. 

If you want to be a leader in customer loyalty and grow your business for the long term, Customer Value Optimization is key. Easy? No. Essential? Yes. 

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It’s a well known that most people do not buy from you on their first visit. In fact, a study from Episerver showed that “92% of consumers visit a brand’s website for the first time to do something other than make a purchase.

While there are many factors that go into getting consumers ultimately purchase, popups can be quite effective at getting your visitors to buy but are quite controversial.

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