
All Things Data-Driven Marketing

No-Code is Here to Stay: What’s the Play for Marketers?

No-code and low-code tools are on the rise, with thousands of businesses and makers turning to a faster and cheaper way to test, validate, and build out their ideas. Leading the way, you have companies such as Zapier, Webflow, and Airtable transforming the way we work. 

As the reliance on these tools continue to grow, so too does the opportunity for technical and non-technical marketers alike to gain an edge and advance their marketing skill set. Marketers and businesses who take advantage of no-code and low-code now will be in position to reap the rewards. Those who ignore the shift will be passed by. 

So, as a marketer, what skills should you learn now to set yourself up for future success? For businesses, what’s the most effective way to approach building applications and software using no-code? We’ll take a look in this article. 

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Guy reading a book.

What worked in SEO, content, and growth just a few months ago may not be effective today. Making things even more challenging, there’s so much noise. Is that top-ranked content on Google actually the best thing out there? Or is it the same “me too” content?

We identified top marketers based on some good-but-imperfect criteria (e.g., mentions on marketing sites, social media presence, recent presentations, etc.).

Then, we used that expert seed list to gather opinions on which people, sites, and books all marketers should listen to, read, or watch.

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Landing page navigation

Navigation gives a user control, which is generally a good thing—but what about on a landing page, where the motto is “one page, one goal?” Should you use navigation on landing pages?

While there’s not a one-size-fits-all answer (there never is in optimization), we do have some good data by which we can make a decision.

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Model Building from the Ground Up

After receiving a $500k budget increase, someone in the C-suite must decide where to allocate these funds: remarketing budget, R&D, events, website redesign, etc.

What should they do? Do they need more information to decide? Even with new information, will that clarify the percentage allocation of funds?

As consumer needs and technology become increasingly complex, so too do the decisions. Modeling is critical for complex decision-making. Relying on intuition alone can set you up for failure.

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How Machine Learning Can Finally Solve “(direct)/(none)"

Urchin, later acquired by Google, invented an amazing way of measuring campaign performance by using last non-direct click attribution and first-party cookies. The solution was perfect—for earlier times:

  • People used mostly one device.
  • Smartphones were rare.
  • Advertisers avoided mobile apps and browsers because user experience was, at that time, horrible.

In most cases, the assumption that users converted on the same browser and the same device as their first site visit was fair.

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The Beginner's Guide to Email Segmentation & Personalization

Over the last several years, email has been pronounced dead half a dozen times, if not more. The truth is, even today, that email is very much alive and, for most optimizers, it’s far from being on its proverbial deathbed.

How can there be such a divided opinion? Segmentation and personalization are the answer.

Optimizers who take advantage of it are seeing real ROI. Optimizers who don’t? Well, they’re likely declaring that “the email blast is dead.”

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