

Most product descriptions are awful. Or worse, non-existent.

Product copy and product descriptions seem like such minor parts of a website in the grand scheme of conversion optimization, so many brands brush it off. But for companies doing it right, writing excellent product descriptions is a great way to sprinkle brand personality in a place that most people don’t expect it.

In fact, some companies do product copy so well that it’s almost a feature of the product itself.

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Confirmation email

Confirmation emails are usually as delightful as your typical in-store receipt (read: not at all delightful).

Because these emails are triggered by the user’s actions, your customers are expecting something—which means they open, notice, and engage with confirmation emails more than they might with other email types.

This post will explain why confirmation emails come at a critical stage in the customer lifecycle, the three steps to make confirmation emails succeed are, and the limits of confirmation emails as a strategy.

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There are already a bazillion resources out there that spell out how to “craft the perfect value proposition.” In fact, the whole concept of “unique value propositions” (UVPs)  is — at least at first glance — really Marketing 101 material.

So why keep talking about it? For one very good reason:

Most courses & books on value propositions FAIL to show you how to actually create value proposition through empirical, quantified research.

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