
Alex Birkett

Jonas Weigert on A/B Testing Beyond the Landing Page (Q&A)

As conversion optimization continues to mature and become adopted by more organizations, it’s always interesting to get an a/b testing tutorial from people in your network to see how they’re approaching growth and optimization. Especially, for me, in the tech startup space, as these companies often live and die by data, and tend to build their organizations around experimentation.

LawnStarter is one such company, so we sat down with their CTO, Jonas Weigert, to learn how they experiment across their product and communication and how they deal with optimization as a company.

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How to Optimize a Site Without a Clear Online Conversion

No one ever said optimizing any website is easy. But at least if you’re working on an eCommerce site, you have clear metrics to hit. You have goals on which (probably) everyone agrees.

But what if you’re an analyst, optimizer, or digital marketer and working on a site without a clear conversion?

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A Quick Primer on B2B Conversion Optimization

Conversion optimization is a little different if you’re in B2B.

Some of the same underlying principles apply, but because of the inherent differences in buying decisions and sales cycles, pulling B2C optimization practices straight from the book might be a bad idea.

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