
Landing pages

Landing Page Optimization Process for High Conversion Rates

Why is the gap between acquiring website traffic and converting a customer so big?

And how big is it really?

The answer depends on your industry and product but Morgan Brown and Sean Ellis highlighted in their book Hacking Growth that for every $92 spent on acquiring more web traffic, only $1 was spent on converting those visitors into actual paying customers.

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High converting pages

A landing page is the first page that visitors see after clicking on your banner ad, PPC ad, or promotional email. It can be a specific page on your website or a separate page created exclusively for search engines.

Landing pages direct visitors to take a specific action, such as making a purchase, completing a registration, or subscribing to your email list.

Your landing page often determines the success of your ad campaign. A good landing page equals good ROI. A crappy landing page (needlessly) wastes money.

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Landing page navigation

Navigation gives a user control, which is generally a good thing—but what about on a landing page, where the motto is “one page, one goal?” Should you use navigation on landing pages?

While there’s not a one-size-fits-all answer (there never is in optimization), we do have some good data by which we can make a decision.

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What You've Forgotten About Landing Page Optimization

When creating landing pages, marketers tend to focus all their efforts on optimizing page elements — making sure the headline engages the visitor, testimonials speak to your unique value proposition, the offer is in the right media type, the lead capture form is correctly formatted, and the CTA button jumps off the page.

That’s all marketers need to generate high quality leads, right?

Then why is it that professional landing pages — getting decent traffic numbers — don’t produce conversions a lot of the time?

It’s because marketers forget about the visitor in the conversion equation.

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Designing Landing Pages When Your Product Is Not Unique

If you’re selling in a competitive market, you must live & die by the little things that make you uniquely different from your competition.

  • Do you have superior customer service?
  • Have you targeted a very specific segment of the market with a common complaint?
  • Are you approaching the problem in a way your competitors won’t?

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