
All Things Data-Driven Marketing

Personalization: How to Build a Revenue Boosting Program from Scratch

Did you know that Netflix has only 90 seconds to find a show that suits a user before she gets frustrated and quits? According to a recent academic study, “a typical Netflix member loses interest after perhaps 60 to 90 seconds of choosing, having reviewed 10 to 20 titles (perhaps 3 in detail) on one or two screens.”

How does Netflix manage to find the right show for the right user so quickly?

According to the same study, 80% of its customers’ video plays comes from its personalized recommendation engine. Netflix estimates the value brought by this personalized recommendation system at a billion dollars per year.

That’s a serious win achieved through personalization.

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Beyond Reason: 8 Subconscious Marketing Techniques to Boost Sales and UX

According to research by Harvard Business School professor Gerald Zaltman, up to 95% of our purchase decisions are directed by subconscious mental processes.

As digital marketers, we know this intuitively. How many articles have you read that advised you to appeal to the emotional, irrational, subconscious part of the brain?

Despite this evidence, a majority of marketing efforts still focus on making logical appeals to a rational mind.

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Should You Get Rid of Your Website's Lead Forms?

The lead capture form has become one of the most ubiquitous tools in a marketer’s toolbelt.

For a decade now, it has been the mechanism that makes inbound marketing and lead generation possible.

As a result, many marketers have become obsessed with optimizing forms.

It has always seemed like a given that if your conversion rate is slumping, you could fix it by making some adjustments to your forms (e.g. reducing the number of fields).

And while making incremental changes to your forms can boost conversion rates in the short-term, what happens when there’s a fundamental shift in the way people prefer to buy?

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How to Avoid Being Deceived By Data

From the outside, it seems like data is impartial. It’s cold, objective, accurate.

In reality though it’s more complicated. In the hands of someone with an agenda, data can be weaponized to back up that viewpoint. Even in the hands of someone benevolent, data can be misinterpreted in dangerous ways.

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No, You Shouldn't Use Visual Editors of Testing Tools [Rant]

“Our A/B testing tool’s visual editor allows marketers to set up tests without needing developers!”

A version of this is communicated by pretty much every testing tool out there. Their websites show off screenshots or videos of visual editors. But it’s wrong. You shouldn’t use visual editors to run your testing program.

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CXL Lessons Learned

After about two years, today is my very last day doing content and growth at CXL.

In celebration of this amazing experience, I want to share the five most important lessons I’ve learned during my time here.

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How to Get Organizational Buy-in for Conversion Optimization

Testing in an enterprise is truly a team sport.

If a testing program was a football team, its lead would be the QB. They can set the tone and direction, but without the support of a good offensive line, they’ll be scrambling to get any real results.

To get a good “offensive line” in your company, you’ll need to get buy-in from the right people.

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How to Hack Growth When Growth Stalls

One of the greatest threats to long-term success is when companies aren’t vigilant enough about responding to the changes in their market—whether it’s by failing to spot product or channel fatigue, acknowledge new competition, make needed updates to products or marketing adjustments in a timely fashion, or embrace new technology coming online.

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Out of Stock

What happens when ecommerce sites run out of stock? Cue crowds of angry (would-be) customers and the burning of a big pile of money.

Ok, it might not be that bad, but it’s certainly never good. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to mitigate the negative impact.

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