
Peep Laja

Images conversion rate

People hardly buy anything without seeing it. Usually, they also want to touch it, hold it, or take it for a spin. You really can’t do those things online (unless it’s SaaS product). So, to compensate for all of that, you need to work twice as hard to make your products come alive via excellent photography and graphics.

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Website Credibility: A 39-Point Checklist

If you’re Amazon or Apple—congratulations! You don’t have any credibility issues. Most of us aren’t so lucky. Almost all but the biggest of companies have an uphill credibility battle every time a new visitor lands on their site.

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Checkout Flow

Your ecommerce checkout flow is where the money is at. Think about it. Random visitors leave the site before ever entering the checkout funnel. Motivated buyers come here to finish their order.

Any small design improvement in your checkout UX usually has a direct impact on how much money your site makes.

An ecommerce site that I analyzed recently had a payment page in which 84.7% of the traffic proceeded to buy. I calculated that if we could increase that to 90%, it would result in 461 more orders and an additional $87,175 per month—23.9% revenue growth. “Small” gains can be huge.

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