
Peep Laja


When marketers think of using data to come up with test hypotheses, they often turn to their digital analytics

Yet often times, qualitative research can offer more insight than anything else working to come up with winning test hypotheses.

Where quantitative stuff tells you what, where, and how much, qualitative tells you ‘why.’ The goal of qualitative research is to gather an in-depth understanding of user behavior and why they took those specific actions.

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Multiple AB Tests

As a marketer and optimizer it’s only natural to want to speed up your testing efforts. So now the question is—can you run more than one A/B test at the same time on your site?

Let’s look into the “why you shouldn’t” and “why you should” run multiple tests at once.

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Grabbing Attention

We live in a world of short attention spans. Attention span is the amount of time that a person can concentrate on a task without becoming distracted.

That task could be learning about your product, figuring out if your service is right for them, etc. In other words, it’s kind of important. You need to learn how to grab attention—and hold it—for your website visitors.

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