
All Things Data-Driven Marketing

ups man delivering packages

In ecommerce, paid advertising heavily drives growth. But competing on price and budgets isn’t the only way to win customers. 

In just four years, beauty brand Frank Body grew its ecommerce brand to over 80,000 visitors per month and $20 million in annual revenue in a highly competitive marketplace with little-to-no marketing budget. 

How? By focusing on content marketing.

In this article, you’ll learn about efficient content marketing strategies to win customers and engage your audience. We’ll also provide a framework based on the marketing funnel to help you identify where specific content fits in your marketing plan (or where you may have content gaps).

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Checkout Flow

Your ecommerce checkout flow is where the money is at. Think about it. Random visitors leave the site before ever entering the checkout funnel. Motivated buyers come here to finish their order.

Any small design improvement in your checkout UX usually has a direct impact on how much money your site makes.

An ecommerce site that I analyzed recently had a payment page in which 84.7% of the traffic proceeded to buy. I calculated that if we could increase that to 90%, it would result in 461 more orders and an additional $87,175 per month—23.9% revenue growth. “Small” gains can be huge.

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