

The Role of Usability, Anxiety & Motivation in Ecommerce

So, you want to improve your website performance.

But where do you start?

Everyone in the business has their ideas.

Your competitors are adding fun-looking new features to their websites.

And you’re staring at your screen thinking, “Where do I even start?”

Enter The U.A.M Method (Usability, Anxiety, and Motivation).

This post breaks it down into:

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Science of familiarity

Do you remember when Slack launched? At the time, I was a diehard HipChat fan. Needless to say, I wasn’t interested in trying Slack.

I considered it nothing more than a passing trend. Now? I use it for an average of 10 hours a day for personal and professional reasons. (Sorry, HipChat.)

What’s going on here? How’d I go from loathing something to using it daily in the span of just 3-4 weeks? It’s called the mere-exposure effect, which means we tend to develop a preference for things just because we’re familiar with them.

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How to Structure Your Optimization and Experimentation Teams

It’s important to know the most efficient way to arrange your optimization team to ensure their productivity and yours.

But what’s the best way to structure your team? Should optimization folks be in a separate team? Or under product teams? Or marketing?

There’s several different ways, and choosing which one works best for your company can be challenging. Here’s a rundown of the frameworks, their functions, and the benefits and challenges of each.

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Optimizing for Shopping Holidays

When you think about the holiday season, you think more traffic, right? More traffic means more conversions. More conversions mean more data. More data means more insights.

But is the data from the tests you run during major shopping holidays representative? We can’t throw sample pollution out the window, can we? Will your insights still be relevant in February when the rush dies down?

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Double Your Conversion Rate

What’s a good conversion rate? A conversion rate that’s better than the one you currently have.

Whatever your current conversion rate is, today’s top conversion rate optimization experts have banded together to help you double it… in just 23 days.

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