
All Things Data-Driven Marketing

The Definitive Guide to Video Prospecting

Like everything in the digital world, traditional prospecting is undergoing a big transformation. Picking up a phone and cold calling (or emailing) is just not as effective as it once was—you need to be smarter both when it comes to which users you’re engaging and what kinds of messages you’re using.

This second point is especially interesting: the types of messages you send can have a big effect on your outreach results. In today’s article, we’ll focus on one specific type of prospecting message and its uses—video.

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A Marketers Guide to TF-IDF Optimization for SEO

As digital marketers, content is a critical part of everything we do. And while analyzing and refreshing content may take a lot of time and effort, the results for generating more traffic and improving SEO are clear. 

With the many things that go into creating content, such as competitor research, outreach and technical aspects of content, improving older content frequently takes a back seat—which in most cases, is a costly mistake. 

In this article, I’ll share how to use TF-IDF optimization to help you streamline your content process and make your old content better so you can rank higher and attract more leads.  

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The Modern Approach To Account Based Marketing

Account-based marketing plays a critical role in the growth of many businesses across a variety of industries. However, many marketers often rely on ABM when it may not be the best fit. In addition, what worked for account-based marketing even just a few months ago, may not be the most optimal strategy for marketing today. 

In this article, we’ll explore how account-based marketing has changed over the years and whether or not it should be your focus. We’ll also explore in detail the many factors you need to consider to do ABM right. 

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How to Establish an Agency Content Strategy When Outbound Stops Working

Agencies looking to grow have traditionally relied on fostering strategic relationships to land deals and increase sales. Cold email and referrals have often been quite effective. 

But through my work with dozens of agencies, it’s clear outbound alone is no longer enough. The most successful agencies are beginning to invest more time and money in content marketing to establish expertise in their industry and, more importantly, generate inbound appointments.

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Organic Shares or SEO Rankings: Which Should You Prioritize?

We’re told time and time again, producing high quality content is one of the highest value activities you can do for your business. Yet, the question remains, what does high quality content actually mean and how do you measure it?

With content marketing, it can be easy to get lost in the noise and miss what matters.  For this article, let’s consider just two metrics—an engagement metric—social shares and an SEO metric—keyword rank.

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What Eye Tracking Can Teach Us About Form Optimization and Design

Eye tracking has long been used in the fields of UX and CRO to accurately map where a user’s focus is when navigating a website. There have been many practical conclusions that have come out of this research such as this article published by CXL last year.

However, as form specialists, we wanted to hone in on what eye tracking could tell us about web forms and how to improve their user experience. In this article, we’ll explore some of our biggest takeaways and how they can apply to your own form design. 

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Common B2B Challenges and How To Solve Them

From long sales cycles to trying to stand out from the sea of sameness, B2B companies face an uphill battle from the start. While thousands of B2B organizations struggle, plenty are able to develop long-term success. So what does it take?

I recently surveyed and interviewed over 200+ B2B executives, marketing & sales leaders to find out exactly what challenges they currently face and what they are doing to overcome them.

In this article, I’ll share what I’ve learned and detail the exact steps you should take to put yourself in a position to succeed.

Let’s dive in.

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