
User Experience & Persuasive Design


As you almost certainly know, copy is what sells.

That’s true in print, and it’s equally true on the web. A completely unstyled site with strong copy will sell infinitely more than a beautifully styled site with none. And since the average website is between 90 and 95% text, one leading expert wisely observes that “web design is ninety-five percent typography.”

So while you can be quite flexible with how you present other parts of your text, your body copy needs special care. Making your selling content difficult to read is like mumbling to your prospects. You might as well turn them away at the door.

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accessible forms

Inaccessible sites lose sales.

Let’s look at the numbers:

I’ll show you five reasons you should care about accessibility and seven ways that an accessible form design will increase your conversion rate.

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Lies Your Designer Told You (or Data vs Design)

Designers versus data more than ever deserves its place in the pantheon of great conflicts: the Hatfields vs. McCoys, Android vs. iOS, Social Media Marketing vs. Results, Athens vs. Sparta, the Doctor vs. Daleks, Auburn vs. Alabama, and Fox News vs. reality.

We make this out to be some great collision of disciplines when in fact they are not opposites and they can and should work together.

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Website Redesign for Higher Conversions? Tread Lightly

Your conversion rate is not what it could be – and you know you need to do something about it. Should you redesign the whole website? Maybe. Probably not though. It depends. But if you are going to do it, you need to tread very lightly. Website redesigns only work if they are carefully managed and data-driven.

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Two Overlooked Aspects Of Your Site Design That May Be Hurting Conversions

Normally, I dig into massive amounts of data, but today, I think we should talk about something that’s a little bit more subjective & open to interpretation – design.

Specifically, your design’s first impression, how long it takes to make that impression, and whether or not that impression is communicating the right things (or anything for that matter) about your brand. 

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