


Free trials are to SaaS applications as keys are to locks. The right one gets you in right away, but sometimes you have to try a few before you find the one that works.

For many SaaS and cloud service providers, 100% of customers sign up for a free trial as part of the sales process — yet one study suggested that even the best-in-class of SaaS marketers were losing a staggering 75% of those who signed up for a free trial before they entered their credit card details.

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Key Insights from Elite Camp 2015 Speakers

Elite Camp is a 3-day traffic and (mainly) conversion event. It’s among the very best CRO events in the world, and of course in Europe. This year was already its 6th year – and the format has proven to be so successful that the event has been replicated in many other countries.

Elite Camp 2015 had an enviable line-up of heavy hitters and rock stars. Here are top insights from every speaker of this year’s event.

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How to Recognize Great Conversion Optimization People

While mediocre people are dime a dozen, good people are always in demand. But good optimizers are in very high demand, everyone and their mother is trying to hire one. Alas they can be hard to find.  If you’re looking to hire one, what should you look for? What makes an optimizer a great optimizer?

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Where Should You Start Testing?

You should split test the headline first! Bollocks. The images! What a load of crap.

That’s the kind of advice most articles out there would give you. The truth is that answering “what to test first” is like answering “how much does a car cost?” – it depends.

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