In this post I’m reviewing 5 websites, analyzing their home pages – and mostly their above the fold area.
I’m also testing a new format for the reviews. Instead of a purely live video, I put together a small slideshow for it. So I will walk you through these sites using the slides. You can also view the slides separately via Slideshare. Please let me know what you think of this.
Here’s the video review:
Websites reviewed in this presentation:
Here’s the Slideshare:
Let me know what you think of the format for this review: using commented slides. Thanks!
Ha! Fucking Owen Wilson… nice.
I thought he looked more like Prince William! :)
Hi Peep,
I like your review as slideshare, coz sometimes need to stop and look carefuly. Also, this format is compact and doesn’t need to scroll page down. Thanks as always for your post.
Some great tips here, and something for me as a front-end developer to bear in mind.
It doesn’t matter if my beautifully commented css & js works perfectly in the prototype stage if it falls over on the live server because it is too heavy.
Just a quick heads up that the video and slidedshare embeds break your pages’ responsive design…
Thanks, fixed it.
I liked the video format and you spend just enough time on each review to cover the important points. I prefer the video, even though it is quite long at 16:00, because the voice intonations supply additional nuances. Great work.
Thanks. I used the slideshow also in the video (as opposed to just browsing the website under review) – what did you think of that?
That is exactly what I liked. The slideshow in the video. Viewing a slideshow without the voice of the presenter is always lacking information.
Great reviews Peep. I loved the Slideshare presentation cuz I could go directly to the websites related to my business. Thanks!
Hi Peep – Thanks for reviewing the homepage for me – I agree with everything you said, I’ve made a couple of tweaks to the page today – thanks for taking the time to go through it. I love the video/slideshare approach, very informative and “to the point”.
Thanks for the feedback.
Peep, i used your conversion ideas in one of my customer, who is manufacturer of mangosteen fruit juice. I have increase the conversion upto 2%. Thanks for your help.
Great post Peep, enjoyed reading the examples!
I preferred the old, straight-forward blog/written approach over either the video or the slideshow. I like to read because then I can digest at my own pace, and it’s easy for me to quickly find what I’m looking for. I don’t have 16 minutes to watch a video. Thanks for the great content, though–I’ve learned a lot from you!
Hey, Peep!
¿Como estas?
I am totally hooked on these website reviews that you are doing, and I learn a ton from each one these videos that you make. Thank you for producing such educational, helpful content.
Awesome as always, Peep. How do we go about getting our sites into the queue to be reviewed? I’d love to throw ours into the hat…
Be on Twitter on Mondays… that’s when I tweet out to look for volunteers :)
This is really freaggin awesome! Now, I’ve got a lot of ideas in my mind and I’m just excited to implement on my company website. Thanks a lot!
Love the format Peep. Allows us to come to our own conclusions before we step through your comments.
I actually had to go and look for Owen Wilson on the Lead Pages website. I still can’t tell if it’s Owen Wilson or someone else.
Awesome as always!!!
Everytime I watch one I get more insights that help me become better at designing websites.
I had a look at the mega menu….omg!!! i see what you mean……
Two enthusiastic thumbs-up on the Slide Share option. I almost never watch video (even when I really kind of want to, b/c I have to get out headphone and I can’t control the pacing or how long it’s going to take). But SlideShare, yay! I get the important info and I can zip through as quickly as I want.
Love the format. Fast, easy to assimilate ideas. Keep up the great work Peep.
Really like the new video + slideshow with comments format. It’s interactive and I like putting it on my other monitor and have it go side by side as I browse other things.
Great! I am a newbie and trying to develop my website with a strategy in mind. I took a page full of notes. Thanks.
Excellent – thanks Peep. The commented slide format is tres nifty.
I found the reviews very interesting. I would like them even more if at the end you gave us some examples of web sites that were done correctly.
You might find this amusing. The link below is from another “business guru” that also reviewed the Help Scout web page. Check it out. Her review is the polar opposite of yours.
Hi Peep,
I watched your videoblog on one of my two monitors while I looked at my own website on the other one. It was interesting to contrast your comments with what my website looks like. Have to admit, I made a few tweaks as a result, so thanks!
Hi Peep,
What software do you use for your slideshow with the video of you down in the corner? It’s great. Is there a way to toggle that so you can go full screen and back?
I’ve started using video on my blog, but some visuals would probably help engage the audience a bit more.
I’m using Camtasia Studio
It records 2 streams – video and screenshare, so when editing, you can mix and match how you like.
Peep – I was surprised you had some criticisms for Help Scout related to their benefits copy. Marie Forleo featured them as a great example of a company that speaks to their target audience. Their copy seemed to work for her, so maybe it isn’t so bad?
I saw that :). Let’s just say I stand firm on my comments.
Amazing video !
Thank you so much :)
I really like the commented slide deck format.
These were really some great tips! Thanks! I especially like the white space reminder. I can completely forget to leave things simple, and that’s even my own browsing preference