Every company wants its brand, product, or service to be the one that is top of mind in the market. When you ask founders and CEOs about their vision, they will often tell you they want to be “number one” or become the “industry leader” in whatever they do.
As marketers, we all want the brands we work on to be just that—number one. Even if “to be number one” vision statements are as cringe-worthy as a TikTok creator dancing in public, we want to be the brand that people search for on the shelf, tell their friends about, and are top of mind when someone needs to make a purchase decision.
But how do we build something big, sticky, and famous enough? Something worthy that people want, need, and crave? Something they will rally behind, brag about, and even fight over to defend?
In this article, we will explore what it means to think, strategize, and go beyond brand awareness to reach a status of brand fame. We unpack the value and impact that come with it and show you how to craft a brand strategy that will drive long-term sustained growth and customer loyalty.
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