

6 Neuromarketing Stimuli That Speak to the Old Brain

Many modern psychology researchers have suggested that the human brain has three (figurative) parts:

  1. The new brain – thinks (rational data)
  2. The middle brain – feels (emotions and gut feeling)
  3. The old brain – decides (takes input from both and pulls the trigger)

Until fairly recently, many fields of study (notably economics) believed that our decisions were largely rational. However, neuromarketing as a field has suggested that the old brain, the old primitive “fight or flight” part, makes most of our decisions.

So how do we influence the old brain for greater growth?

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You’re familiar with the phrase, “A creature of habit.” Yet, as we strive to disrupt industries, take out the competition and launch innovative new products, we forget the power of habit.

Think about what dish soap is sitting by your sink or under the counter. When is the last time you put serious thought into what dish soap to buy? What about your toothbrush? Toothpaste?

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System 2

What drives your decision-making? Trick question. Two drivers are behind the wheel: system one and system two.

Which system is driving right now? Which system was driving when you bought that new house? How about when you solved difficult math problems in Grade 11?

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Persuasion Techniques

You know that persuasion is a powerful weapon. Perhaps you’ve even read our 18 Cognitive Biases You Can Use for Conversion Optimization and realized that you are definitely not dealing with rational visitors. And anyone doing conversion optimization should know Cialdini’s 6 principles of persuasion.

However, there is so much more to persuasion than what can be boiled down to a handful of core principles. There are many other, lesser known persuasion techniques that you can use to increase your conversion rate.

If you’re not aware of them and how they impact your visitors, you’re leaving money on the table.

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Post-Purchase Rationalization

As optimizers, so much of our focus is spent on the pre-conversion phase. How do we get more people to checkout successfully? How do we get more people to inquire about our agency’s rates?

It’s easy to forget that you aren’t done persuading once the initial conversion has taken place.

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Reptilian Brain

Do you make rational decisions or are you a slave to primitive thinking?

Does free will exist? Do you buy a product because you analyzed the options and decide it’s the logical choice? Or are you impulsively (and subconsciously) making decisions based on the part of your brain that’s well over 70,000 years old?

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When "Free" Converts (and When It Doesn't)

If I asked you, “what’s the most persuasive word in the English language,” what would you say?

Many would say “free” – and that may or may not be accurate. It’s one of those CRO ‘best practices’ that is often repeated but rarely discussed in detail.

There are studies that support its power, but there is also plenty of data that supports the idea of ‘free’ being detrimental to optimization.

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