
Digital Analytics

How to Structure Your Optimization and Experimentation Teams

It’s important to know the most efficient way to arrange your optimization team to ensure their productivity and yours.

But what’s the best way to structure your team? Should optimization folks be in a separate team? Or under product teams? Or marketing?

There’s several different ways, and choosing which one works best for your company can be challenging. Here’s a rundown of the frameworks, their functions, and the benefits and challenges of each.

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How to Avoid Being Deceived By Data

From the outside, it seems like data is impartial. It’s cold, objective, accurate.

In reality though it’s more complicated. In the hands of someone with an agenda, data can be weaponized to back up that viewpoint. Even in the hands of someone benevolent, data can be misinterpreted in dangerous ways.

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How to Handle Mobile "Moneyball Syndrome" & Cross-Device Attribution

It seems all technology is getting smaller and more efficient. It’s certainly true for computers, as smartphones are progressively overtaking their larger counterparts.

According to Dazeinfo research, there were about 1.13 billion smartphone users in 2012. This number increased by 27.1% in 2013 to 1.43 billion, and by 2017, nearly half of global mobile users are likely to own a smartphone.

Band-aiding a mobile experience is no longer a possible solution, as 70% of mobile searches lead to action on a website within 1 hour of searching.

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How to Conduct a SaaS Funnel Audit

Drip, drip.

Did you hear that?

That’s the sound of potential customers leaking out of your sales funnel.

Drip, drip…

Another customer gone.

After fighting tooth-and-nail to launch your SaaS business, the last thing you want is a leaky sales funnel to undermine all your hard work. Because even a small leak can snowball into a gushing cascade of leads, leaving your business bone-dry.

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