
Manager Trouble, What Do You Do? (Value Your Craft & Yourself)

Are you having issues with your manager? What do you do when your manager just doesn’t get it and it’s difficult to get work done? Value your craft and yourself, don’t work for a manager that forces you to do your job wrong.

Learn what you should do if your manager pushes back. Stand up for yourself and what you believe in. Do quality work for quality people.


what<00:00:00.179> do<00:00:00.269> you<00:00:00.390> do<00:00:00.630> if<00:00:00.870> your<00:00:01.079> manager<00:00:01.770> just
what do you do if your manager just what do you do if your manager just doesn't<00:00:02.790> get<00:00:03.000> it<00:00:03.060> so<00:00:07.550> let's<00:00:08.550> say<00:00:08.790> you<00:00:08.849> work<00:00:09.240> for doesn't get it so let's say you work for doesn't get it so let's say you work for a<00:00:09.750> manager<00:00:10.500> and<00:00:10.769> your<00:00:11.250> job<00:00:11.580> is<00:00:11.969> to<00:00:12.030> be<00:00:12.780> the a manager and your job is to be the a manager and your job is to be the content<00:00:13.349> marketer<00:00:13.769> so<00:00:14.250> you<00:00:14.340> want<00:00:14.759> to<00:00:14.849> write content marketer so you want to write content marketer so you want to write some<00:00:15.480> really<00:00:15.750> good<00:00:16.230> shit<00:00:16.619> some<00:00:16.920> in<00:00:17.100> that<00:00:17.490> post some really good shit some in that post some really good shit some in that post stuff<00:00:19.109> that<00:00:19.289> will<00:00:19.500> help<00:00:19.710> people<00:00:19.980> but<00:00:20.820> your stuff that will help people but your stuff that will help people but your manager<00:00:21.330> says<00:00:21.630> no<00:00:22.170> no<00:00:22.289> no<00:00:22.320> no<00:00:22.619> we<00:00:22.769> just<00:00:22.800> need<00:00:23.130> a manager says no no no no we just need a manager says no no no no we just need a as<00:00:23.490> many<00:00:23.970> as<00:00:24.180> possible<00:00:24.240> for<00:00:24.930> SEO<00:00:25.410> so<00:00:25.529> just<00:00:25.830> you as many as possible for SEO so just you as many as possible for SEO so just you know<00:00:25.980> put<00:00:26.699> these<00:00:26.939> with<00:00:27.150> 300<00:00:27.750> word<00:00:27.930> articles know put these with 300 word articles know put these with 300 word articles out<00:00:28.529> there<00:00:28.800> we<00:00:28.920> need<00:00:29.039> you<00:00:29.279> know<00:00:29.400> 70<00:00:29.880> a<00:00:29.910> month<00:00:30.179> or out there we need you know 70 a month or out there we need you know 70 a month or whatever<00:00:30.570> what<00:00:31.140> are<00:00:31.199> you<00:00:31.260> doing<00:00:31.470> that whatever what are you doing that whatever what are you doing that situation<00:00:32.099> or<00:00:32.669> the<00:00:33.120> the<00:00:33.390> other<00:00:33.510> day<00:00:33.780> I<00:00:34.079> was situation or the the other day I was situation or the the other day I was talking<00:00:35.160> to<00:00:35.370> somebody<00:00:35.610> who<00:00:35.969> says<00:00:36.239> they talking to somebody who says they talking to somebody who says they haven't<00:00:36.930> conversion<00:00:37.500> optimization<00:00:38.040> program haven't conversion optimization program haven't conversion optimization program they<00:00:38.579> haven't<00:00:38.820> they<00:00:39.059> weren't<00:00:39.300> running<00:00:39.540> a/b they haven't they weren't running a/b they haven't they weren't running a/b tests<00:00:40.410> and<00:00:41.870> her<00:00:42.870> boss<00:00:44.059> forces<00:00:45.059> her<00:00:45.570> to<00:00:46.320> deploy tests and her boss forces her to deploy tests and her boss forces her to deploy tests<00:00:47.579> where<00:00:48.000> the<00:00:48.329> statistical<00:00:48.930> significance tests where the statistical significance tests where the statistical significance is<00:00:50.030> 65%<00:00:51.199> it's<00:00:52.199> like<00:00:52.410> flipping<00:00:52.860> a<00:00:53.129> quaint<00:00:53.489> you is 65% it's like flipping a quaint you is 65% it's like flipping a quaint you don't<00:00:54.360> know<00:00:54.719> anything<00:00:55.620> and<00:00:56.100> I<00:00:56.370> mean<00:00:56.399> don't don't know anything and I mean don't don't know anything and I mean don't even<00:00:57.090> get<00:00:57.180> me<00:00:57.300> started<00:00:57.329> how<00:00:57.750> to<00:00:58.070> when<00:00:59.070> you even get me started how to when you even get me started how to when you should<00:00:59.250> end<00:00:59.640> a<00:01:00.239> bee<00:01:00.660> test<00:01:00.930> the<00:01:01.199> main<00:01:01.410> point<00:01:01.770> is should end a bee test the main point is should end a bee test the main point is that<00:01:02.129> if<00:01:02.489> you're<00:01:02.820> if<00:01:03.390> your<00:01:03.660> manager<00:01:04.229> just that if you're if your manager just that if you're if your manager just doesn't<00:01:04.890> get<00:01:05.100> it<00:01:05.309> and<00:01:05.580> makes<00:01:05.939> you<00:01:06.270> do<00:01:06.630> bad<00:01:07.530> work doesn't get it and makes you do bad work doesn't get it and makes you do bad work what<00:01:08.700> are<00:01:08.790> you<00:01:08.880> doing<00:01:09.150> that<00:01:09.180> situation<00:01:09.930> first what are you doing that situation first what are you doing that situation first of<00:01:10.439> all<00:01:10.560> you<00:01:10.710> should<00:01:10.890> try<00:01:11.100> to<00:01:11.299> educate<00:01:12.299> you of all you should try to educate you of all you should try to educate you should<00:01:13.290> try<00:01:13.470> to<00:01:13.530> educate<00:01:14.070> the<00:01:14.189> manager<00:01:14.610> about should try to educate the manager about should try to educate the manager about why<00:01:15.330> it's<00:01:15.600> important<00:01:16.110> to<00:01:16.170> be<00:01:16.290> better<00:01:16.740> why<00:01:17.400> it's why it's important to be better why it's why it's important to be better why it's important<00:01:18.119> to<00:01:18.270> know<00:01:18.450> your<00:01:18.720> statistics important to know your statistics important to know your statistics because<00:01:19.560> otherwise<00:01:19.770> we<00:01:20.070> rendered<00:01:20.400> the<00:01:20.549> whole because otherwise we rendered the whole because otherwise we rendered the whole CRO<00:01:21.509> process<00:01:22.080> useless<00:01:22.530> it's<00:01:22.770> just<00:01:23.100> a<00:01:23.189> waste<00:01:23.400> of CRO process useless it's just a waste of CRO process useless it's just a waste of money money money or<00:01:24.030> you<00:01:24.810> know<00:01:24.960> we<00:01:25.380> can't<00:01:25.680> build<00:01:25.920> a<00:01:26.070> good<00:01:26.250> brand or you know we can't build a good brand or you know we can't build a good brand if<00:01:26.759> you're<00:01:26.880> publishing<00:01:27.270> rubbish<00:01:27.720> content<00:01:28.259> and if you're publishing rubbish content and if you're publishing rubbish content and whatever<00:01:28.619> it<00:01:28.920> may<00:01:29.130> be<00:01:29.159> value<00:01:30.030> your<00:01:30.210> craft<00:01:30.630> you whatever it may be value your craft you whatever it may be value your craft you know<00:01:31.740> like<00:01:31.890> be<00:01:32.159> a<00:01:32.189> specialist<00:01:33.090> be<00:01:33.930> somebody know like be a specialist be somebody know like be a specialist be somebody who<00:01:34.590> has<00:01:34.770> standards<00:01:35.570> stand<00:01:36.570> for<00:01:36.869> something who has standards stand for something who has standards stand for something and<00:01:37.829> if<00:01:38.159> if<00:01:38.490> your<00:01:38.729> manager<00:01:39.180> still<00:01:39.420> doesn't<00:01:39.780> get and if if your manager still doesn't get and if if your manager still doesn't get it<00:01:40.110> and<00:01:40.290> you're<00:01:40.950> getting<00:01:41.340> a<00:01:41.520> lot<00:01:41.610> of<00:01:41.729> pushback it and you're getting a lot of pushback it and you're getting a lot of pushback move<00:01:43.020> on<00:01:43.229> quit<00:01:44.070> go<00:01:44.520> somewhere<00:01:44.939> else move on quit go somewhere else move on quit go somewhere else lots<00:01:45.810> of<00:01:45.899> companies<00:01:46.350> around<00:01:46.439> where<00:01:46.770> they<00:01:47.220> in lots of companies around where they in lots of companies around where they in value<00:01:47.790> your<00:01:48.000> kind<00:01:48.240> of<00:01:48.299> people<00:01:48.600> it's<00:01:49.229> your<00:01:49.500> life value your kind of people it's your life value your kind of people it's your life it's<00:01:50.340> not<00:01:50.610> worth<00:01:51.090> wasting<00:01:52.100> so<00:01:53.100> don't<00:01:53.369> come it's not worth wasting so don't come it's not worth wasting so don't come work<00:01:54.000> for<00:01:54.030> a<00:01:54.240> jerk<00:01:54.540> boss

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About The Pe:p Show

The Pe:p Show is a series of short and to the point videos. Topics that I’m covering go way past conversion stuff – it’s about optimizing all the things: your life, health, relationships, work, and business. I will also be interviewing industry peers on various topics like digital marketing, growth hacking, and more.

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Manager Trouble, What Do You Do? (Value Your Craft & Yourself)
