
Tim Rotolo

Tim Rotolo does UX research and design at TryMyUI, a remote usability testing service. He researches usability around the web and authors the UX Wars blog series.

The Scrappy Entrepreneur's Guide to Usability Testing

Usability testing is important, but when you’re juggling tons of other tasks – acquisition, hiring, and whatever other fires you need to put out daily – it can be thrown on the back-burner.

“I don’t have the luxury of focusing on UX right now,” you may say to yourself.

But this guide will prove that usability testing need not be time consuming, expensive, or obstructive to any other priorities you may have. In fact, you can run quite lean and get game-changing usability metrics pretty quickly.

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user frustration

Ever scroll through a website and get irrationally angry? Maybe it was the slow loading time, the poor design, the frustrating lack of clarity – no matter the case, I’m sure you can relate.

Though you might not like to hear it, a substantial amount of your customers are going through the same thing on your site right now. This is inevitable. The real money comes from finding these common frustrations and fixing them.

But how?

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