
Martijn Scheijbeler

Martijn Scheijbeler leads SEO at Postmates making sure that you get the products you want through on-demand delivery. He’s passionate about Growth, Marketing, SEO, Web Analytics and CRO. Prior to Postmates he was leading marketing at The Next Web and Springest. Follow him on Twitter at @MartijnSch, connect on LinkedIn or read his blog.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the biggest levers that a business can use within their acquisition strategy as part of their Growth goals.

You’re likely familiar with the different Growth frameworks like AARRR (Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, Revenue). It all starts with Acquisition. Getting users familiar with your product by visiting them on your site or in app. One of the biggest channels to do that is through organic search traffic. Over the last years I’ve led different marketing and growth (SEO) teams that were focused on driving as much (relevant) traffic as possible from search. Here’s what I’ve learned.

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