Head of Innovation @Adswerve
Google Analytics has been around for over 15 years and the core of it has largely stayed the same. Everything we knew is changing with the release of Google Analytics 4, or GA4, the next generation of Google Analytics. The user interface, data model, capabilities, and implementation is all new and different.
About this workshop:
Whether you’ve already taken our Google Analytics 4 course or you are considering it for the first time, this workshop will provide all information you need on changes and updates Google has made in 2021.
We will also spend time on a variety of features that have been announced and are expected to be available soon.
GA4 has released numerous updates this past year. This workshop will cover the most significant updates, including customizable reporting, and attribution changes.
You will learn:
- How to customize the Google Analytics 4 User Interface
- What are the new attribution features
- What are the upcoming feature releases including consent modelling, data-driven attribution

Speaker: Charles Farina
Charles Farina is the Head of Innovation @ Adswerve. He is a leading Google Marketing Platform expert with more than ten years of experience in Google Analytics. He’s led hundreds of strategic discussions, implementations, trainings, and presentations for Fortune 100 companies and analytics experts worldwide.
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Uncovering the benefits of Google Analytics 4
Join this workshop to learn what are the real benefits of Google Analytics 4 and how does the future of data-driven attribution looks like.
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