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16 Copywriting Mistakes You’re Probably Making (and How to Fix Them)

Copywriting Mistakes

Day in and day out, you’re surrounded by copy. You’re watching TV commercials, you’re seeing PPC ads in your search results, you’re visiting SaaS pricing pages, you’re shopping online for a new office printer… the list is endless.

It’s easy to look around and think, “Yeah, I could have written that.”

Whether you’re just getting started with copywriting or you’ve already written a few dozen landing pages, it’s important to know that copywriting mistakes are not few and far between.

To avoid making them yourself, it’s important to be aware of the most common (and costly) copywriting mistakes plaguing sites.

What Is Copywriting, Really?

Despite its popularity, there is still some confusion about what copywriting is and is not.

So, what exactly is copywriting? As Advertising Hall of Fame member Shirley Polykoff once said, “Copy is a direct conversation with the consumer.”

Essentially, copywriting is using written words to persuade people to take the action you want them to (e.g. make a purchase, submit an email, request a demo).

How do you do that, exactly? According to Michael Aagaard, it comes down to presenting an argument strong enough to convince visitors that what you’re going to provide them with (e.g. a product, an email newsletter, a free quote) is worth more than what they’re giving you (e.g. $9.99, an email, a phone number)…

Michael Aagaard, Unbounce:

“In order to get a conversion, the process has to end with your potential customers agreeing that what they will get in return is worth more than they have to part with.

The decision-making process takes place in the minds of your potential customers, and optimizing this process should be your primary focus. Essentially, the most effective way of optimizing this process is to answer the question, ‘What’s in it for me?’” (via ContentVerve)

While it seems straightforward, copywriting does go wrong. To find out where you’ve gone wrong and to identify high-value optimization points…

  1. Identify problem pages. Where are visitors dropping off in your conversion funnel? Which pages have a high bounce rate? Which pages is your live chat triggered most often?
  2. Look at the overall message and offer on each problem page. What does heuristic analysis tell you? Is it clear? Are there distractions? Is there friction? Conduct audience research using Wynter to identify problem areas in your copy.
  3. Focus on how you can improve copy that’s high on the visual hierarchy (headlines, signup forms, buttons, etc.)

Beyond that, look for these 16 common mistakes…

Mistake #1: Hiring a Cheap Copywriter

When asked what she thinks the most costly copywriting mistake is, Joanna Wiebe of Copy Hackers and Airstory had this to say…

Joanna Wiebe, Copy Hackers & Airstory:

“Hiring an ‘affordable’ copywriter is the most costly copywriting mistake, and you’ve probably already made it.

The copywriters you want working for you are results-oriented – they’ll help you make a lot more money. These writers are 1) extremely rare and 2) aware of their money-making abilities. Which means they quote big numbers. They’re going to cost you money, but in fact they’ll be far more affordable than those ‘affordable’ copywriters you were considering. While the $50/hr copywriters are wordsmithing, the $250/hr copywriters are interviewing your customers, experiencing your product, surveying your visitors and talking with your team. While the $50/hr copywriters are learning on the job at your expense, the $250/hr copywriters are bringing years of experience and insights to your project.

Some businesses sincerely cannot find more than $1000 for someone to rewrite their site. That’s understandable. Maybe you’re pre-revenue. Maybe you’re a non-profit. Maybe you’re a small service-based business, like a hair salon. If that’s true then write your copy yourself. Hire yourself for $50/hr. Give yourself 5 hours a day for 4 days. Spend the first two days studying copywriting – books, blogs, a course – and the next day writing and the last day editing. Trust me: you will do a better job than a cheap copywriter would if only because you actually give a damn about growing your business.

Other businesses are just failing to do the math when they come up with low budgets. What is a customer worth to you? What if you tripled your leads? What if your CPC halved? What if this campaign generated twice the revenue the last one did? I’m not saying to bet on ‘what ifs’. I’m saying to run the numbers. If you’re currently converting 10% of trial users into paying customers and you want to get to 20% – doubling your business – don’t expect to pay a copywriter $1500 to rewrite your onboarding emails and in-app messaging. Do the math. Budget accordingly. And then reward yourself by hiring the best.”

In short, an “affordable” copywriter will simply deliver words on a site while a great copywriter will deliver words that actually sell.

While copywriting may seem like a simple concept, it’s truly an in-depth process. Whether you’re investing in yourself and taking the time to master the science behind it or looking to hire someone to do it for you, it’s not an inexpensive process. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that it is.

The Fix:

Mistake #2: Only Thinking About the Web

Next, Joanna explained how dangerous it can be to think web-first…

Joanna Wiebe, Copy Hackers & Airstory:

“The second most costly copywriting mistake is thinking web-first. That is, you hire a general copywriter or a web copywriter when, to bring in the dough, you actually need an email copywriter. Don’t hire someone to rewrite your home page; hire an email copywriter to plan, plot and write your drip campaigns, your onboarding emails and your campaign emails. Better emails make more money for you. The cash they generate can then be put toward hiring a conversion copywriter to redo your site. Boom! Website’s bringing people in. Email’s converting them. On repeat.”

Before you seek a copywriter or begin learning about copywriting, decide what type of copywriting would be most beneficial to you. The go-to for most people is web-based copywriting… you want persuasive landing page copy. But is that really what’s most valuable to your site?

For example, let’s say you run a SaaS company. Each page of your site is designed to encourage free trial signups. Once visitors signup for a free trial, they’re entered into a drip email campaign that pushes them towards a paid plan.

Why pay a copywriter (or invest your own time) to optimize your site copy if your email copy sucks? Free trial signups don’t pay the bills.

The Fix:

Mistake #3: Not Following a Process

Writing is typically viewed as a creative process. It’s easy to picture a passionate author locked away in a room, surrounded by coffee cups and ashtrays, completely consumed by writing.

Copywriting, however, is very different. It’s more of a science than an art form. As Peep would say, amateurs use tactics and professionals use processes.

As an example, here’s a look at Michael’s copywriting process…

Michael Aagaard, Unbounce:

“Start by asking yourself, ‘Why’, ‘What’, and ‘How’ – in that order. I emphasize the order in which you ask these questions, because I see a lot of marketers jump to, ‘How’ too soon. They go straight to asking questions like, ‘How can I make this copy better?’ or ‘How do I write higher converting copy for this landing page?’

The problem is that if you ask, ‘How’ questions too soon you can easily be misled and end up missing crucial steps and focusing on the wrong aspects. Again, the goal is not to write sexier copy – the goal is to get more conversions.” (via ContentVerve)

There just might be some science behind Michael’s process. “Why” is vital in copywriting because explanations are incredibly persuasive.

In a famous study conducted in the last 70s, researchers asked if they could cut in line for the copying machine. The reasons for wanting to cut in line were varied. For example, “May I use the Xerox machine because I’m in a rush?” and “May I use the Xerox machine because I want to make copies?” The former is reasonable, but the latter is quite senseless.

However, the researchers found that subjects were more likely to allow them to cut in line when given a reason, whether the reason was reasonable or not. The researchers concluded that the subjects were responding to the prototype of a request (“May I ___ because ___?”) than the actual request itself.

Here’s another example of a copywriting process from Joanna…

Joanna Wiebe, Copy Hackers & Airstory:

“To write copy that sells, we need to start with a deep understanding of our prospect. So this is how I approach conversion copywriting:

1. I begin by trying to understand the stage of awareness of the prospect visiting the page in question or reading the email in question.

2. Then I dig into learning about them, about their motivations and anxieties, about the business, and about the product or service. This is the research and discovery phase of conversion copywriting.

3. I then synthesize what I’ve learned into a messaging hierarchy.

4. Which leads to a wireframe (for web pages) or a “spit draft” (for emails, long copy, etc).

5. I then swipe sticky messages from the research I’ve done and combine that with proven formulas to revise the placeholder messages in the wire or spit into actual copy.

6. Edit.

7. Split-test where possible.”

The Fix:

Step 1: Understand Visitor Intent

Mistake #4: Talking About Features

It’s fairly common knowledge that you should focus on the benefits of your product instead of the features. Demian Farnworth of Rainmaker Digital explains why…

Demian Farnworth, Rainmaker Digital:

“They fall into the trap of features vs. benefits. They see the product from a standpoint of what it does vs. what it does for the customer. For example, the famous drill examples. People don’t buy a drill to have a drill. They buy a drill because they need a 3/4 inch hole. That’s the benefit.” (via SalesFolk)

So, focus less on all of the great things about your product and more on how your product will make the visitor’s life better. Sounds simple, but there’s an additional step that is less frequently discussed: you have to focus on the right benefits.

You might think the benefit is XYZ when really it’s ABC. You are not your customer. Highlighting the wrong benefits is just as ineffective as highlighting the features, if not more.

The Fix:

Right: Codecademy

Check out Codecademy…

“Learn to code interactively, for free.” and “SIGN UP AND START CODING IN SECONDS.” Two simple lines of copy, both focused exclusively on the benefits the visitor will receive.

Mistake #5: Not Having a Clearly Defined Goal

Just because it’s not an A/B test or active campaign doesn’t mean your copy can skate by without a goal. In fact, setting goals is a fundamental part of the copywriting process. If you skip it, you’re essentially setting yourself up for failure.

Michael explains why…

Michael Aagaard, Unbounce:

“If you want results, you need to start by setting goals. When your goals are set, you need to find out how to best achieve them.

I think we can all subscribe to the logic behind this statement. Well, the same logic applies to writing online copy that converts.

If you want to achieve results with your website copy, you need to start by defining the goal of the individual piece of copy. After that you need to find out how to write the best possible copy to achieve that specific goal.

If you’re writing copy for a sign-up form, you need to focus on the conversion goal of the form and the purpose of the copy: to get as many qualified leads as possible to fill out the form and sign up.

Therefore, it’s important that you can leave the ”artist” on the shelf for a while in favor of a more analytical/scientific approach that will help you focus on giving your potential customers what they need in order or make the right decision.

From an artistic or creative stance, the resulting copy may not be the most elaborate or inspired solution. But essentially that doesn’t matter – as long as the copy has the desired effect on the prospects.” (via ContentVerve)

Can copywriting be an artistic process? Absolutely. However, it’s important not to lose sight of the goal: to sell. If you have a clever headline and it doesn’t convert, it’s wasted effort.

The Fix:

Case Study: Fitness World via ContentVerve

Michael went on to share a case study via ContentVerve. When he worked with Fitness World, one of his tasks was improving a headline on the site…

A 38.46% increase in sales thanks to a more straightforward, unoriginal headline.

Mistake #6: Not Understanding Your Audience’s Motivation Level

Before you can write compelling copy, you need to understand what stage of the buying cycle your visitors are in. Ask yourself the following questions…

The answers to these questions will guide your copy. Of course, your answers could be different based on the traffic, for example. That’s why dedicated PPC and search landing pages exist.

The answers to these questions will also help guide your call to action copy and placement…

The Fix:

Step 2: Conduct Thorough Research

Mistake #7: Not Developing a Product Your Audience Actually Wants

If you work at a marketing agency, you’re already overly familiar with this concept. You know that the best copy in the world can’t save a bad product from failing. Demian explains why in detail…

Demian Farnworth, Rainmaker Digital:

“They fall into speaking the language that they use. All of this really ties up in this fact that a lot of times people create products before and then go out and look for an audience to buy it, which is insanely hard, instead of finding the thirsty crowd, figuring out what they want and then building the product with them.

If you fall in love with an idea and build this product, that’s all you think about. You’re not in the head of the other person, so you only speak this language that you speak. So, when you try to tell them about this product, they’re like, ‘Yeah, I don’t understand what you’re saying.’ So, you fall into using jargon and talking about features.

If you can understand the customer… and that’s what Copyblogger has done for years. They’ve built the audience and they figure out, ‘What do you guys need?’ and then they build the product for them. Writing copy for that is way easier. I mean, you can’t put lipstick on a pig and unfortunately, a lot of times, that’s what happens.

When I did a lot of freelancing, people would come to me and they would say, ‘Hey, I’ve got this product. We’re getting ready to launch and I need help on the copy.’ And I’m like, ‘No way am I going to do that.’ because really what they’re saying is, ‘We’ve figured out that something’s wrong.’ but they won’t admit that the product sucks, they won’t admit that. So, you want to come in and try to save that, but it’s not going to happen.

Gary Bencivenga had a great quote, ‘Copywriters are a lot like jockeys. They’re only as good as the horse that they’re on.’ So, if you want to be a winning jockey, you pick the best horses to ride. It’s the same thing. If you want to be a great copywriter, pick the best products to promote because it’s easier that way. Don’t try to be a hero and save somebody’s product.” (via SalesFolk)

The problem you’re solving, the pain you’re curing is key to your copy. If that problem / pain isn’t big enough, copy can’t save the product. Most people won’t oil a door that isn’t squeaking.

Rosser Reeves once wrote, “You must make the product interesting, not just make the ad different. And that’s what too many of the copywriters in the U.S. today don’t yet understand.”

The Fix:

Mistake #8: Not Talking to Your Customers

When asked what she believed was the most costly copywriting mistake, Jen Havice of Make Mention Media had this to say…

Jen Havice, Make Mention Media:

“It revolves around not adequately conveying the value of your service/offering/business in your copy. Because value is subjective and based on perceived benefits versus perceived costs, it’s critical that you understand what makes your customers tick, what motivates them, keeps them up at night. Too often the qualitative research falls through the cracks leaving businesses to guess what their prospects need to hear in order to make a buying decision.”

Since value is subjective, you simply can’t write an effective value proposition without talking to your customers. Not people who fit the profile of your customers, your actual customers.

When asked what he thought was the most costly copywriting mistake, Joel Klettke of Business Casual Copywriting had a very similar answer…

Joel Klettke, Business Casual Copywriting:

“The biggest mistake I see in copywriting and conversion is companies who don’t do their homework by interviewing their customers.

Everything – your UVP, your most persuasive sales points – event your headlines – can be pulled out of conversations with real people who will inevitably challenge or validate your assumptions.

You MUST talk to the people you’re selling to.”

Two experts, one shared opinion. You can’t skip right to writing. You have to do the research, you have to get to know your customers, you have to get to know your visitors. Without that qualitative data, you’re writing with your eyes closed.

The Fix:

Case Study: Teespring via Optimizely

Here’s a copywriting case study from Teespring that Optimizely shared. To increase sales, Teespring created an online survey and an on-site survey. The results from both were similar. Statements like “Not sure if I should give my credit card information.” and “Not sure if I’ll get my shirt.” were common. Teespring, it seems, had a trust problem.

Here’s the control…

The copy below the button is quite confusing. You can clearly see where the apprehension is coming from.

Now, here’s the variation…

The result? A 12.7% increase in conversions. Of course, without the qualitative research, Teespring might never have known that there was a trust issue, so that copy might have never been changed.

Mistake #9: Asking Yes / No Questions

When you’re conducting qualitative research, avoid asking yes / no questions. Think about whether a yes / no question can guide your copy in a meaningful way. The answer is likely no.

Instead, ask open-ended questions. Here’s an example from Joanna…

Joanna Wiebe, Copy Hackers & Airstory:

“My absolute favorite question to ask because it reveals so much is this:

‘What was going on in your life that compelled you to come looking for a solution like ours?’

Answers to that question reveal the conversation happening in your prospect’s mind. Their motivation. The struggles that caused that motivation. The payoff they’re in search of. In real words. So you don’t have to guess or summarize.”

A question like “What was going on in your life that compelled you to come looking for a solution like ours?” is going to result in more valuable answers than a question like “Are you looking for a solution like ours?”

Also, note that you can turn answers to an open-ended question into testimonials, which can be used on landing pages and in sales copy. Can you say the same for answers to a yes / no question?

The Fix:

Step 3: Organize Your Findings

Mistake #10: Choosing the Language You Like Best

Once you’ve conducted the research, you’ll find yourself swimming in data from your customers. You’ll like have a long list of words and phrases they use to describe your product, its benefits, etc.

At this stage, it’s incredibly easy to contaminate the language. How? By filling in blanks, making assumptions about why and “cleaning up” spelling / grammar.

It’s also easy to sift through the list and find the language you like best, even if it was only used once or twice. In this case, all of your research is wasted because you simply selected the language you would have used anyway.

The Fix:

Done Right: Innocent Drinks

Here’s a page from Innocent Drinks…

Focus on the copy in the red banner: “Innocent smoothies contain the finest fruit we can find. We never add any sugar, or anything weird like colourings, and they’re never, ever made from concentrate.”

Think about phrases like “the finest fruit we can find”, “anything weird like colourings”, and “never, ever”. I wouldn’t be surprised if those words and phrases were pulled directly from qualitative research.

Innocent Drinks writes like their customers, not like a smoothie company.

Step 4: Create a Wireframe

Mistake #11: Letting Design Lead Copy

What comes first: the design or the copy? More often than not, the design does. That is, you’ll design a site and then write the copy based on the design.

According to Joanna, however, that’s backwards thinking…

Joanna Wiebe, Copy Hackers & Airstory:

Copy leads design. If you don’t believe and practice that, your copy is not going to convert as well as it could. Don’t cram copy into lines of lorem ipsum. Don’t start with the salesroom (design). Start with the salesperson (copy).”

Your design and your copy share a goal: to sell. Let copy take the lead and design play a supporting role.

The Fix:

Step 5: Put Your Findings to Work

Mistake #12: Appealing Exclusively to Logic or Emotion

According to dual process theory, there are two systems at work inside your brain: system one and system two. System one is emotional and instinctual. System two is logical and rational.

With myths like left-brain and right-brain still floating around, many people have this concept that the brain is split in two. As if you’re either creative and emotional or systematic and rational.

Fortunately, the brain doesn’t work that way. Yes, the two systems have different “personalities”, but they are not completely separate entities. In fact, they work together quite closely.

Therefore, appealing exclusively to either logic or emotion would be a mistake. You do, in fact, need to appeal to both. (Though, you can put a focus on one or the other.)

The Fix:

Example: Microsoft

Take a look at Microsoft’s current site…

Ignoring the fact that the copy is about Windows and not the customer, notice how this is a completely logical appeal.

Step 6: Edit

Mistake #13: Presenting Discounts & Promotions Incorrectly

If you assume that your visitors understand basic math, you assume wrong. Derek Thompson of The Atlantic explains…

Derek Thompson, The Atlantic:

“This is your brain on shopping, and it’s not very smart.

You walk into a Starbucks and see two deals for a cup of coffee. The first deal offers 33% extra coffee. The second takes 33% off the regular price. What’s the better deal?

‘They’re about equal!’ you’d say, if you’re like the students who participated in a new study published in the Journal of Marketing. And you’d be wrong. The deals appear to be equivalent, but in fact, a 33% discount is the same as a 50 percent increase in quantity. Math time: Let’s say the standard coffee is $1 for 3 quarts ($0.33 per quart). The first deal gets you 4 quarts for $1 ($0.25 per quart) and the second gets you 3 quarts for 66 cents ($.22 per quart).

The upshot: Getting something extra ‘for free’ feels better than getting the same for less. The applications of this simple fact are huge. Selling cereal? Don’t talk up the discount. Talk how much bigger the box is! Selling a car? Skip the MPG conversion. Talk about all the extra miles.” (via The Atlantic)

“Getting something extra for free feels better than getting the same for less.” That’s a powerful finding. People would rather get more of what they thought they could get than what they thought they could get for less.

When writing copy, remember that you are not dealing with completely rational beings. Your visitors are subject to all sorts of cognitive biases that influence their decisions. This is just one example.

The Fix:

Mistake #14: Not Optimizing for Scanability and Legibility

Last year, I wrote a detailed article on scannable copy, How to Write Copy People Will Actually Read. Before you begin writing your copy, especially if it’s long-form, I suggest taking 8-10 minutes to read it thoroughly.

Essentially, the article explains that the average visitor won’t read your copy word for word. Instead, they’ll scan for interesting points. Once they find something particularly interesting, they will stop to read for a few seconds before continuing to scan. Believing that your copy will be read from start to finish is a dangerous mistake.

Legibility, on the other hand, primarily comes down to font choice. Ask yourself these questions…

The Fix:

Done Right: TheNextWeb

Check out this article from TheNextWeb…

Short sentences, short paragraphs, simple language, subheadings, black font on a white background, etc. The article is both scannable and legible.

Mistake #15: Not Backing Up Your Statements

Assume your visitors don’t believe you and don’t want to take your most wanted action. You have to back up your statements with supporting proof to give yourself credibility.

There are many different types of proof, but here are just a few…

For more information on social proof specifically, read Is Social Proof Really That Important?.

Without some type of proof to back up your statements, all you have is some bias copy.

The Fix:

Done Right: CXL Live

CXL Live 2016 is coming up, so we asked a handful of reputable, recognizable speakers from 2015 what they thought of the conference…

By placing it on the 2016 site, we’re showing potential attendees that our quality claims are credible.

Step 7: Test

Mistake #16: Believing Copywriting Best Practices Blindly

There are a lot of copywriting best practices out there…

I could go on all day, but you get the idea. More often than not, best practices are merely common practices.

Are they based on real experience? Yes. Are they true sometimes? Yes. But blindly believing they will be true for you is foolish.

I’d never advise you to ignore best practices completely. They can be good guides and point you in the right direction. However, failing to test them on your own site with your own audience is another story.

The Fix:


Anyone can write words on a site. Not everyone can write words that will actually impact sales on a site. [Tweet It!]

That difference is the reason for these mistakes (and many, many more).

Here’s how to avoid them…

  1. Hire a professional copywriter or invest in learning how to write your own copy. Don’t hire an “affordable” copywriter.
  2. Consider email copy before you consider site copy.
  3. Develop and follow a copywriting process.
  4. Talk about (the right) benefits, not features.
  5. Define your goal and don’t stray from it for the sake of creativity.
  6. Understand your audience’s intent and motivation level.
  7. Develop a product your audience actually wants. Don’t try to fix a bad product with good copywriting.
  8. Talk to your customers before you start writing. Put in the research time.
  9. Ask open-ended questions during the qualitative research phase.
  10. Use your customers’ voice, not your own.
  11. Create a wireframe to let your copy lead your design.
  12. Write copy that appeals to both logic and emotion.
  13. Offer something extra for free instead of something for less.
  14. Optimize your copy for scanners and ensure it’s legible.
  15. Back up all quality statements and trust requests with solid proof.
  16. Only implement best practices when you’ve tested them on your own site.

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