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17 Obscure Persuasion Techniques for Conversion Optimization

Persuasion Techniques

You know that persuasion is a powerful weapon. Perhaps you’ve even read our 18 Cognitive Biases You Can Use for Conversion Optimization and realized that you are definitely not dealing with rational visitors. And anyone doing conversion optimization should know Cialdini’s 6 principles of persuasion.

However, there is so much more to persuasion than what can be boiled down to a handful of core principles. There are many other, lesser known persuasion techniques that you can use to increase your conversion rate.

If you’re not aware of them and how they impact your visitors, you’re leaving money on the table.

1. Yerkes-Dodson Law

The Yerkes–Dodson law is an empirical relationship between arousal and performance, originally developed by psychologists Robert M. Yerkes and John Dillingham Dodson in 1908. The law dictates that performance increases with physiological or mental arousal, but only up to a point. When levels of arousal become too high, performance decreases.

Bart Schutz, Online Dialogue:

“When we are promised a higher incentive for a better performance, we want to perform better. At low incentive levels this increased motivation pays off. We do perform better. However, at some point increasing the incentive and thereby motivation even further, starts to backfire: we perform (a lot) worse.

This Yerkes-Dodson Effect applies to mental tasks. Tasks involving cognitive effort, resulting in an inverse U graph: first performance increases with rising incentives, but only until it reaches an optimum, and then starts decreasing steeply as incentives rise further.

This effect does not apply to mechanical tasks, requiring only the control over your muscles. It does however apply to both economical and social incentives (‘social motivators’).” (via Wheel of Persuasion)

How to Use It:

2. Mimicry

Mimicry refers to the (often subconscious and automatic) imitation of other people’s behavior. You yawn when I yawn. You smile when I smile. You shake your foot when I shake my foot.

Joanna Wiebe, Copy Hackers & Airstory:

“We steal words, phrases and stories. From innocents.

We pore over voice of customer data – from surveys, focus groups, product studies, market research, one-on-one interviews, usability studies. From countless sources. And as we’re picking through all that data, we’re making note of:

  • Exactly how ‘real people’ describe our product
  • The multiple benefits and points-of-value they talk about
  • Anything they absolutely rave about
  • Specific things they don’t like about products similar to ours
  • Suspicions they have / Ways they’ve been burned before
  • The exact real-life problems our product helps them minimize or solve
  • Interesting analogies and similes they use” (via KISSmetrics)

How to Use It:

3. Hobson’s+1 Choice Effect

More choices give us positive emotions, for example due to feelings of autonomy and the affective forecasting error. But more choices also give more negative emotions since we – for example – miss out on more and more options (‘opportunity costs’) and chances of regret.

Barry Schwartz, author of The Paradox of Choice, uses the following graph to demonstrate this effect:

So, no options is bad. One option makes you feel dramatically better. Two options gives you some autonomy and the “missed opportunity” factor is minimal since there’s only one other option.

How to Use It:

4. Base Rate Fallacy

Base rate fallacy, also called base rate neglect or base rate bias, is a formal fallacy. If presented with related base rate information (i.e. generic, general information) and specific information (information only pertaining to a certain case), the mind tends to ignore the former and focus on the latter.

How to Use It:

5. Availability Heuristic

The availability heuristic is a mental shortcut that relies on immediate examples that come to a given person’s mind when evaluating a specific topic, concept, method or decision. The availability heuristic operates on the notion that if something can be recalled, it must be important, or at least more important than alternative solutions which are not as readily recalled.

Subsequently, under the availability heuristic people tend to heavily weigh their judgments toward more recent information, making new opinions biased toward that latest news.

Consider this question: Are sharks or horses deadlier? I’m willing to bet most people will confidently respond with, “Sharks.” Easy question, right? We’ve all seen Jaws. However, the real answer might surprise you. CogSai explains…

How to Use It:

6. Cheerleader Effect

The cheerleader effect, also known as the group attractiveness effect, is the cognitive bias which causes people to think individuals are more attractive when they are in a group. The effect occurs because of the brain’s tendency to calculate the average properties of an object when viewing a group.

How to Use It:

7. Hot-Hand Fallacy

The “hot-hand fallacy” (also known as the “hot hand phenomenon” or “hot hand”) is the fallacious belief that a person who has experienced success with a random event has a greater chance of further success in additional attempts.

How to Use It:

8. IKEA Effect

The IKEA effect is a cognitive bias in which consumers place a disproportionately high value on products they partially created. The name derives from the Swedish manufacturer and furniture retailer IKEA, which sells many furniture products that require assembly.

Daniel Mochon, A. B. Freeman School of Business:

“Imagine that, you know, you built a table. Maybe it came out a little bit crooked. Probably your wife or your neighbor would see it for what it is, you know? A shoddy piece of workmanship. But to you that table might seem really great, because you’re the one who created it. It’s the fruit of your labor. And that is really the idea behind the Ikea Effect.” (via NPR)

How to Use It:

9. Facial Distraction

When we (subconsciously) notice faces in our surroundings, we tend to first scan those faces, before looking at anything else. Moreover, we cognitively process those faces thoroughly.

Bart Schutz, Online Dialogue:

“Offline, this can work pretty persuasive. When someone looks at you, you look back and perceive all their facial expressions. Even more important, you pay more attention to their verbal message as well. Online however,  the same thing  happens, and that works counter effective. Your message is – most of the time – written in text, other images, bulleted lists etc. and a face on the page will distract attention, and therefore decrease your persuasiveness.” (via Wheel of Persuasion)

How to Use It:

10. Ambiguity Aversion

Ambiguity aversion (also known as uncertainty aversion) is a preference for known risks over unknown risks. An ambiguity averse individual would rather choose an alternative where the probability distribution of the outcomes is known over one where the probabilities are unknown.

How to Use It:

11. Eaton-Rosen Phenomenon

The rhyme-as-reason effect (or Eaton-Rosen Phenomenon) is a cognitive bias whereupon a saying or aphorism is judged as more accurate or truthful when it is rewritten to rhyme.

Amy Harrison, HarrisonAmy Copywriting:

“Not only can rhyming copy make your words more memorable (think about how many songs or playground chants you can recite from years ago), but it is more likely to influence your reader into believing the content.

So don’t rule out using a catchy rhyming phrase to sell the benefits of your product or service. It might just be in the minds of your readers for years to come.” (via Copyblogger)

How to Use It:

12. Barnum Effect

The Barnum effect, also called the Forer effect, is the observation that individuals will give high accuracy ratings to descriptions of their personality that supposedly are tailored specifically for them, but are in fact vague and general enough to apply to a wide range of people.

P.T. Barnum is famous for having said, “Always have a little something for everyone” and “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

The Barnum effect is demonstrated in Psychology in Action, 4th Edition by Karen Huffman, Mark Vernoy and Judith Vernoy. They start by asking you to read this horoscope…

You have a free-wheeling, adventuresome spirit. When others try to bring you down to earth with facts and responsibilities, you strongly resist. People who get in your way may suffer your wrath. While you may be quick to temper, your quick-witted responses and charming nature often come to your rescue.

Your strength and persistence are admired by all, and your careful nature will help you gain great financial rewards. Your idea of a romantic evening is a bottle of wine, a soft blanket, and your partner lying in front of a warm fire–in your own house behind locked doors!

While your partner may appreciate this same scene, and your protective nature, beware that you do not overdo your prudent way with money. Invest in a good bottle of wine–the kind with a cork.

Does the horoscope describe your personality? Most people will be able to find something relatable and think, “Yep, sounds like me.” Of course, the horoscope is “totally bogus”, just like most pseudo personality tests online.

How to Use It:

13. Context Effect

That cognition and memory are dependent on context, such that out-of-context memories are more difficult to retrieve than in-context memories (e.g., recall time and accuracy for a work-related memory will be lower at home, and vice versa).

Essentially, the better you can recreate the context in which the memory was formed, the better your visitor will be able to recall it. Consider, for example, this chart from Wheel of Persuasion…

How to Use It:

14. Peak-End Rule

The peak–end rule is a psychological heuristic in which people judge an experience largely based on how they felt at its peak (i.e., its most intense point) and at its end, rather than based on the total sum or average of every moment of the experience. The effect occurs regardless of whether the experience is pleasant or unpleasant.

How to Use It:

15. Rosy Retrospection

Rosy retrospection refers to the finding that subjects later rate past events more positively than they had actually rated them when the event occurred. The effect appears to be stronger with moderately pleasant events and is usually explained as a result of minor annoyances and dislikes “fading” from memory dramatically faster than positive situations.

How to Use It:

16. Sex & Signalling

A large part of our evolved behaviour involves our desire to signal important traits and qualities to potential mates, allies and rivals. When buying a product, what traits does the consumer believe they will be signalling?

Jason Collins, Economist and Public Policy Specialist:

“When humans are seeking a mate, you want to know as much as you can about them. You want to know their intelligence, their health, the level of conscientiousness, their kindness, the resources at their disposal and so on. You can’t just see this straight away – so people seek to signal these traits. And the products they buy are a major part of that signal.” (via Evolving Economics)

How to Use It:

17. Status Quo Bias

Status quo bias is an emotional bias; a preference for the current state of affairs. The current baseline (or status quo) is taken as a reference point, and any change from that baseline is perceived as a loss.

How to Use It:


Persuasion is so powerful because the best decision is the one your customer thinks she made herself. [Tweet It!]

Every element of your site is persuading visitors in one way or another. It’s your responsibility to be aware of all the techniques at play and how they influence your specific demographic.

  1. Persuasion works better than force.
  2. There is more to persuasion than a handful of basic principles. Even these 17 techniques are just the tip of the iceberg.
  3. The brain is a complex thing. These techniques will not affect every audience the same way, so experiment heavily.

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