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Ecommerce Guidelines: Pop-ups

Guideline 54

Ecommerce Best Practices » Homepage & Sitewide » Credibility » Pop-ups & Advertising

Guideline #54. Avoid pop-ups of any kind, advertisement or not… Unless you want to make more money.

According to SeeWhy’s extensive research, 99% of visitors don’t buy on their first site visit. So, if 99% of people won’t buy on the first visit… how then can we at least get them to return for a second visit?

The good news is the study also found that 75% of people who left have future intentions of returning to continue the buying process.

Whether you personally love it or hate it, the truth is that sticking a big ole pop-up in their faces can be one of the most effective ways to command attention & secure an email address, increasing the chances of a return visit. Why?

The answer is related to a persuasion technique known as “pattern interrupt”, a state of awareness occurring when something unexpected happens after the brain has become lulled into a rhythm. In the context of email & content marketing though, it’s particularly effective when this “interruption” proposes to solve the user’s problem.

Do they work on every site? Of course not. Do your own testing. But they can work very well.

I’m just not a big fan of pop ups right at the beginning when I am trying to find something

What frustrated me was the amount of pop ups that interfered with my shopping. For instance, one was the chat now pop up. I would click on that if I needed help, so I did not like how that got in the way. The other pop up was asking me to take a survey, and the last was the one asking me to join the email list. I prefer to browse without the pop ups.

I would eliminate the pop-ups I think there were like 4 of them while I was shopping

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