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How Ruokaboksi Decreased Their Drop-Off Rate by 18% With Clearer CTA Text


By making the CTA button text specific to the offer and encouraging users to commit to the trial box, Ruokaboksi decreased their drop-off rate by 18%.

Here’s exactly how they did it.

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The goal: Decrease the drop-off rate on landing pages

Ruokaboksi is a meal-kit subscription service based in Finland. 

To acquire new customers, the company mostly uses paid social media ads. These ads drive traffic to custom landing pages, where users can order a trial box of the meal kits at a discounted price.

When reviewing conversions on those landing pages, they noticed a drop-off rate of 49% at the final step of the funnel, where the user confirms their order.

The Fast Marketing tactic: Make the CTA button text specific to the offer

To encourage users to commit to the trial box, the team edited the text of the CTA button on the final step of the purchase funnel, making it more specific to the offer: they simply added the term “trial box.”

CTA button copy change from “at a discount” (“etuhintaan”) to “trial box” (“kokeiluboksin”).

The result: 18% decrease in drop-off rates

The team ran this test between March and April 2023. These were the results:

Why does it work?

Meet the specialist behind this tactic

Heiman Safeen is the Growth Officer at Ruokaboksi, responsible for customer acquisition and retention. He has over 8 years of experience in growth marketing, and was part of Ruokaboksi’s growth story, taking them from €3M to €21M in annual revenue within 2 years.

Follow Heiman on LinkedIn for more tips and experiments.

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