Top 10 reasons to start using Google Tag Manager
Gain actionable insights for your business with GTM
So what is a tag manager, anyway? It’s basically a control center for your data. And if you’re operating without it, you’re not getting the most value out of your data measurement and analysis.
Google Tag Manager solves so many of the most common problems marketers have with analytics. Find out what it takes to implement Google Tag Manager, how to maintain it, and what becomes possible for your business when you start using GTM.
In this webinar, you’ll learn:
- What it takes to implement GTM
- Advantages of using Google Tag Manager
- How GTM works with Google Analytics
- How GTM differs from Google Analytics
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The webinar will last about 45 minutes. Have questions? Send them in the webinar chat.
About Chris “Mercer” Mercer

Chris “Mercer” Mercer, co-founder of, is a sought after measurement marketing expert. Mercer (as he’s known) and his team have been helping marketers, marketing teams, and agencies know, trust, and grow their numbers.
First by planning out what’s important to measure in their marketing, then how to actually measure it (using tools like Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics), creating dashboards that are actually useful, and pulling actionable insights from what’s being measured to begin forecasting and optimizing future results.
Mercer spends countless hours reading, practicing, adjusting and innovating to improve his skill set. He has a knack for teaching, and is known for his ability to simplify even the most complex ideas for his audience.
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Top 10 reasons to start using Google Tag Manager
Gain actionable insights for your business with GTM
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