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About Jennifer Warren
Jennifer Warren is the Vice President of the Global Brand Marketing and Creative organization which aims to continue to grow Indeed’s brand leadership position globally. Jennifer has held this position for over 3 years, and is most excited about the team she has built and that they have become recognized as a brand noted for their mission in Helping All People get jobs and leading the way in inclusive hiring.
Prior to Indeed, Jennifer is a three-time CMO who started her career on the advertising side where she found her passion in developing and growing purpose-based brands and saw the impact of great creativity. She has used that experience to lead 2 successful SuperBowl campaigns: RadioShack’s “The 80’s Called” which was ranked among USA Today’s Ad Meter’s Top 5 SuperBowl Ads; and Indeed’s “The Rising” which was one of 3 SuperBowl Ads receiving Ad Age’s 5 Star Review and won Twitter’s SuperBowl Audible award for the associated #NowHiring social campaign.
Jennifer’s expertise is recognized in the industry. She has received the notable ANA Hall of Achievement award; noted as an Ad Age Woman to Watch, and is a Top CMO for creativity recipient awarded by The CMO Club.
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Ask Me Anything: Jennifer Warren on brand, marketing, and our brand marketing minidegree
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