
Conversion Optimization

Internal Site Search Optimization: Best Practices for Your Site

According to Econsultancy, up to 30% of ecommerce visitors use internal site search. Due to the increased level of purchase intent from searchers, they’re known to convert up to 5–6x higher than the average non–site search visitor.

Site searchers account for up to 14% of all revenue, and case studies have shown increased conversion rates of 43% from site search optimization.

Yet how many sites pay attention to site search? Too often, it gets ignored. This post walks you through opportunities to improve your internal site search.

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Images conversion rate

People hardly buy anything without seeing it. Usually, they also want to touch it, hold it, or take it for a spin. You really can’t do those things online (unless it’s SaaS product). So, to compensate for all of that, you need to work twice as hard to make your products come alive via excellent photography and graphics.

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How to Structure Your Optimization and Experimentation Teams

It’s important to know the most efficient way to arrange your optimization team to ensure their productivity and yours.

But what’s the best way to structure your team? Should optimization folks be in a separate team? Or under product teams? Or marketing?

There’s several different ways, and choosing which one works best for your company can be challenging. Here’s a rundown of the frameworks, their functions, and the benefits and challenges of each.

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How to Get Organizational Buy-in for Conversion Optimization

Testing in an enterprise is truly a team sport.

If a testing program was a football team, its lead would be the QB. They can set the tone and direction, but without the support of a good offensive line, they’ll be scrambling to get any real results.

To get a good “offensive line” in your company, you’ll need to get buy-in from the right people.

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Lead Gen Form Optimization

At the heart of every landing page is the lead gen form.

When your visitors land on your page, you want to ensure they can find and complete the form as quickly and painlessly as possible, right? After all, it’s the gate to your conversion funnel, your first interaction with leads.

More than a few questions are likely circling around in your head. Does my form have too many fields? Should I change the button color? Will in-field labels help reduce friction?

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