

So You Wanna Do CRO? It's a Great Business to Be In

While SEO and PPC are saturated markets that are getting harder and harder (while PPC costs keep rising), the conversion optimization market is just growing and growing. It’s a market where most competitors are good friends and openly sharing everything – there’s plenty of business to go around for all of us.

If you’re a digital marketer and are looking to specialize in CRO, watch this video where the optimization legend Craig Sullivan shares his thoughts on the topic:

If you enjoyed this video and want to learn to start and grow your CRO business, check out CRO Agency Masterclass live course with Craig Sullivan.

Comparison Shopping

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, right?

That’s the mentality of comparison shoppers. If they look hard and long enough, they will find a better value. If they don’t look around, they’ll miss out on greener grasses.

Today, the term “comparison shopper” describes the majority of consumers, especially those online. If you’re running an eCommerce or SaaS company, you absolutely must be optimizing for comparison shoppers.

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The Power of Defaults in Conversion Optimization

Defaults are powerful, often deceivingly so. Even if you don’t put much thought into it, you’re nudging your users to act in a certain way. It’s up to you, then, to make sure that you’re nudging them to the best possible action for your company and themselves.

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Conversion optimizers are in the business of attention management, just like magicians.

It’s your job, as an optimizer, to direct attention and focus your visitors on the next step. Yet, so few of us do this effectively. Landing pages are full of distractions, calls to action are cluttered, etc.

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Two Overlooked Aspects Of Your Site Design That May Be Hurting Conversions

Normally, I dig into massive amounts of data, but today, I think we should talk about something that’s a little bit more subjective & open to interpretation – design.

Specifically, your design’s first impression, how long it takes to make that impression, and whether or not that impression is communicating the right things (or anything for that matter) about your brand. 

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