

High converting pages

A landing page is the first page that visitors see after clicking on your banner ad, PPC ad, or promotional email. It can be a specific page on your website or a separate page created exclusively for search engines.

Landing pages direct visitors to take a specific action, such as making a purchase, completing a registration, or subscribing to your email list.

Your landing page often determines the success of your ad campaign. A good landing page equals good ROI. A crappy landing page (needlessly) wastes money.

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User onboarding

There’s a popular user experience quote: “A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it’s not that good.” While clever, that statement is far from true.

User interfaces shouldn’t be complicated, but you can’t expect a new user to understand a new interface without any direction. Similarly, you can’t expect an existing user to understand an updated interface or a new feature without any help.

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Good Survey Questions: 40 Question Examples for a Great Questionnaire

“Surveys are the most dangerous research tool,” says Erika Hall, author of Just Enough Research. “If you write bad survey questions, you get bad data at scale with no chance of recovery.”

As attention spans get shorter, there’s growing pressure to make surveys lean. More and more people take surveys on their phones, and if the survey is too long, they drop out.

How can we make the survey short and still get the information we need? By writing better questions. This post separates the good questions from the bad—and shows you exactly how to write them for seven scenarios:

  1. Current customers;
  2. Engaged prospects;
  3. Recent converters;
  4. User testers;
  5. Churned customers;
  6. Site visitors;
  7. Content strategy.

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Jedi mind tricks

Want to know how to persuade people online and get what you want?

The power of influence is usually all that separates the successful from everyone else. These are some tactics, discovered through psychological research, that you have probably not yet heard about, but have the potential to increase your persuasive abilities.

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Google Logo Redesign

What’s the value in a logo?

It’s a question that’s been asked a lot lately, especially with companies like Instagram, Uber, and Google drawing both ire and admiration from their new logo changes.

We all have an opinion (some have strong opinions) on these changes, but no one really measures their effectiveness – which is what matters really.

How do we answer the question: is your logo actually working?

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Sean Ellis coined the term “growth hacking” over a decade ago in 2010. Since then, the term has taken on a life of its own.

“Growth hacking” is the focus of dozens of books, new roles, new departments and teams, new methods of thinking, hundreds of articles, hundreds of guides, hundreds of webinars… you get the idea.

Yet, it still feels very elusive. High-growth companies simply have something most companies don’t, right?

Wrong. The truth is, they simply had a solid growth marketing process.

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Competitive Analysis

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” —Napoleon Bonaparte

When your competitors make mistakes, it makes winning so much easier. But what if it’s you who is making a mistake, while your competitors are off to the races? You won’t know until you figure out what your competitors are up to.

Knowing what the competitors are doing—how they’re thinking about the market, which tactics they’re using, how they’re crafting messages and design—can make all the difference in the battle for customers.

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