
Google Analytics

mixpanel vs google analytics

This post is not a dry feature-by-feature comparison, nor does it include a winner-take-all verdict. Your business won’t benefit from either of those things.

Instead, we’re comparing Mixpanel and Google Analytics in the terms that drive business growth—identifying the core use cases for each tool and the business problems they solve, while highlighting the features that make it possible.

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Google Tag Manager

As an optimizer, it’s your responsibility to understand the implementation and analysis of digital analytics. Gone are the days of relying on the IT department to help you with basic analytics tracking. [Tweet It!] Fortunately, Google Tag Manager makes it easy.

Still, many optimizers don’t use Google Tag Manager (or any tag manager, for that matter) because it looks daunting. The truth is that once you understand the basics, it essentially becomes a second language.

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2 Google Analytics Segments & 1 Report To Help You Better Understand Your Visitors

Knowing where to segment your Google Analytics data can be daunting. Where do you start? And how the Hell are you supposed to know if what you’re looking at is going to make any difference what-so-ever?

Trust me, I hear you. I’ve been learning more about gaining real insights from analytics myself, and my head’s been reeling from staring down the infinite possibilities.

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Migrating to Universal Analytics Using Google Tag Manager

More and more business owners are learning about the benefits of the new version of Google Analytics (referred to as “Universal Analytics”) as well as the utility of Tag Management Systems (made even more popular by the release of the free Google Tag Manager).

Peep reached out to me to write an article about moving an inline GA implementation to Google Tag Manager.

This is work we do often over at Analytics Ninja, so I feel more than happy to provide this guide for CXL’s readers. There are many benefits of using a Tag Management System, though as my friend Julien Coquet puts it, “it’s not a miracle cure.”  

If you take a quick look at any TMS vendor’s benefits page, you’ll notice the following big points stick out (here are Google’s):

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